Attention: We've introduced user profile menu in the top-right corner of the Salesbuildr application, in line with UI best practices. The menu also supports easy switching from one to another company in case your account is linked to multiple organizations. With this change, we've also moved certain elements from the dashboard:
The language selector has moved to 'manage your profile'
The 'Dashboard' link in the top-left has moved to the new menu
My favorites list has moved to the new menu
The 'admin' option in the main menu bar has moved to the new menu and is renamd to 'settings' (admin role only).
We've added a direct link to the subscription menu for convenience (admin role only).
The logoff button has moved to the new menu
Week 1
This release focuses on Electronic signature, Whitespace, Connectwise integration and UI/UX improvements, and bug fixes.
New Features
Electronic signature:
Quote Signing Certificate Page [TN-5971]: A quote signing certificate page is now added to signed quote PDFs. It includes information like status, approver, IP address, date, time, and a full audit trail of changes to the quote.
Electronic Signature Agreement [TN-5971]: A checkbox and text have been added to the signature page to ensure users agree to use electronic signatures and provides guidance in case the user does not want to agree with using electronic signatures. This new feature assures firm compliance with law and regulation on the use of digital signatures in business transactions.
Multi language:
Email Templates Language Configuration [TN-2497]: Email templates can now be configured to support multiple languages. The system will use the quote's primary language when sending emails. If a translation isn't available, the default language will be used. This feature applies only to customer-facing emails.
AI Translation for Email Templates [TN-2497]: Email templates can be manually configured or use AI to generate translations. An overview of templates will indicate available languages.
Language Selector Relocation [TN-6099]: The language selector has been moved from the left menu to the "Manage my profile" section
Customer Labels Filter [TN-5262]: The whitespace page now has a filter to display companies based on customer labels.
Product Labels as Filters [TN-5262]: Product labels can be added as filters to the whitespace, allowing you to filter by tagged products and services.
Service-Specific Opportunity Creation [TN-4860]: When a specific service is selected, an opportunity can be created even if the account already has other services under the same billing code.
Tile Color Indication [TN-4860]: Tiles will now display as blue if a customer does not have the selected service, even if they have other services in the same group.
Service Code Notes [TN-4872]: Notes can now be created for specific service codes. Tiles will show an icon if a note exists, which will display the notes when clicked.
Consolidated Columns [TN-5626]: Whitespace columns are now consolidated by name, including Service Code, Material Code, or a combination, with clear indication of the data type in the column.
Service Bundles Display [TN-5906]: Contracts using service bundles will now display data within the whitespace and contracts, without needing to import the bundle itself.
Add Customer name to Purchase Order overview and link them to AT and Company page inside SB [TN-4998] The customer name is now included in the Purchase Order overview, with links to Autotask (AT) and the Company page.
When submitting a Purchase Order, check for required settings fields [TN-5865] The system now checks if the required settings for purchase orders are available when submitting a Purchase Order. If not, a link to the settings page is displayed.
Custom Field Mapping [TN-6022]: Custom fields can now be mapped between Salesbuildr and Connectwise
Opportunity Types Sync [TN-6114]: Opportunity types are now synced from Connectwise to Salesbuildr
Price Changes Sync [TN-6116]: Price changes on quotes will now sync to Connectwise opportunities
Renewal Proposal Workflow [TN-5663]: The workflow for creating a renewal proposal will now skip services that are not imported, while continuing with the process
Locked Widget Editing [TN-6016]: Locked widgets and their products on a quote cannot be edited without the "quote.manage" permission.
Manual Currency Prices [TN-6106]: Users can now set manual prices for products in different currencies, overriding the automatic conversion rates.
Autotask Webhook Report Location [TN-6145]: Moved the "autotask-webhook-report" page to the admin > autotask section
New Service and Labor Buttons: New buttons to create services and labour have been added to the product page
Top-Right Menu [TN-6075]: A new top-right menu has been added, which includes profile, company, favorites, settings, and subscription options. The log out button has been moved to this menu
Bug Fixes
Whitespace Data Duplication [TN-5626]: Fixed an issue where the whitespace module showed duplicate data
Whitespace Broken Functions [TN-5626]: Resolved an issue where some columns in the whitespace were not clickable
Copied Cover Page Error [TN-6037]: Resolved an issue where copying a cover page from one tenant to another failed
Copaco Connection Failure [TN-6090]: Fixed an issue where the Copaco connection failed
Connectwise Products Not Appearing [TN-6091]: Resolved an issue where new products did not appear in Connectwise opportunities
Quote Template Text Issue [TN-6115]: Fixed an issue where additional text appeared on quotes even if not present on the template
Date Range Picker Issue [TN-6163]: Resolved a problem where the date range picker was not functioning on the quote list page
Localization Content Display [TN-6164]: Fixed an issue where content was not displayed when clicking the edit icon in localization
Recurring Product Pricing [TN-6168]: Ensured recurring products do not have a one-time price
Quote PDF Variables [TN-6157]: Fixed an issue where quote PDFs displayed variables at the bottom
Spinner after Creating Bundle [TN-6176]: Fixed an issue where a spinner appeared after creating a bundle within a quote
Product Edit Issue [TN-6177]: Resolved a problem where clicking a product in a quote did not allow editing