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Release notes archive 2024
Release notes archive 2024
Updated over a week ago

Week 26

Lost opportunities default setting

When losing an opportunity, automatically move the pipeline stage to the selected status.


From now on we don't show inactive contracts.

In addition, for Autotask and Connectwise we added options to filter out customers who do not have a certain service code active, enabling you to show all customers that do not have any of the services under that service code (category).


For Contacts in Salesbuildr, we added an overview where you can see your sent messages and message delivery status.

Add company label and company classification to the contacts entity.
We've enhanced the contacts entity by adding fields for company labels and classification, providing more detailed contact management.

Post-sale ticket improvement

When converting a quote to a ticket, you can now provide Estimated hours and Due date. You can now also create a post-sale ticket even when there are products that do not require procurement.

Distributor hub

TD Synnex is now available for customers in the United States.


We added a new status 'pending payment' and allow to map custom fields to Dynamics CRM.

Bugs and Hotfixes

  • Purchase Order: Link Autotask ticket charges from quotes - Fixed an issue where AT ticket charges were not properly linked from quotes.

  • Dynamics: When a quote is won and the opportunity is converted - Addressed a bug that prevented proper conversion of quotes to opportunities.

  • Importer remembers columns that are not present - Resolved an issue where the importer would remember columns that are no longer part of the dataset.

  • Whitespace filter issue - resolved an issue where incorrect numbers could be shown when using filters.

  • Quotes - added the ability to edit notes, fixed an issue where notes were hidden on approved quotes. Fixed an issue where the Terms and Conditions page would be shown when implicit approval is enabled.

  • Products: Markup still displayed even though we don't have any markup active
    Resolved an issue where markup was displayed on products despite being inactive, ensuring accurate pricing information.

  • Discount group doesn't work anymore
    Fixed an issue where discount groups were not functioning, ensuring that all discount settings apply correctly.

  • Purchase orders: Related Ticket not showing on Supplier PO
    Fixed an issue where related tickets were not displayed on supplier purchase orders, improving traceability.

  • Routit product import - Improved the speed and efficiency of the Routit product import procedure.

  • Connectwise - fixed an issue that could prevent the import of companies and contacts.

  • Purchase orders - fixed an issue where the related ticket was not showing in the Autotask Purchase Order.

  • Discount group - fixed an issue where discount groups were not functioning, ensuring that all discount settings apply correctly.

Week 24


Create Post Sale Tickets

This features will create a post sale ticket in Autotask and adds all products from the quote as charges to the ticket. To enable this feature, navigate to Admin, Autotask, Purchase Order and enable creating a post-sale ticket for approved quote.

Make sure you set the default values that Salesbuildr should use when creating the post sales ticket.

You will now have the option to create a ticket from a approved qoute. Salesbuildr will only add products that do and to not require procurement as charges to the ticket.

Select the Create ticket option from an approved quote:

Review and add any internal note instructions before you click submit.

The ticket is now created in Autotask and you can use the icon below to open it directly.

You can view and open related tickets that were created by Salesbuildr from the quote overview too.

Watch the video on his this works in the video below.

In the coming weeks we will add more options to this workflow such as

  • Adding Issue and subissue type to ticket template settings

  • Be able to set the ticket contract

  • Be able to set the ticket Worktype

  • Provide Estimated hours

  • Provide Due Date

  • Enable Auto Create post sale ticket on customer approval

Email PDF attachments on approval

This ensures customers receive file all proposal attachments after they approve, such as your terms and conditions as a seperate PDF attachment next to the signed proposal.


Marketplace import jobs

You can now view and delete active marketplace import jobs.


Contract Renewals
Adds dashboard tiles that provide insights based on whitespace for contract renewals. The new contract renewals workflow enables you to instantly create a renewal proposal based on the existing services in the contract that is about to expire.

Items In Progress

Please take a minute to review and vote for new feature requests. If you would like to add a new feature request, you can do so using this link. We are currently working on the following items. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. You can view all previous release notes here.


  • Allow configuring "exempt from VAT" per line item to be able to support "BTW Verlegd."

  • We will notify you if there is an invalid payment term selected.

  • We are adding rule based options to apply transaction and shipping costs

  • We are working on adding favorite actions to the line item (delete, edit, update, view distributor) so you won;t have to navigate to the side panel


  • We are working on adding Pax8 to the marketplace so you can add new services to your catalogue from their marketplace and view customer subscriptions from the company, and quote dialogues.

  • We are working on support to import Dell Premier quotes

  • We are working on support to import HP i-quotes


  • You will be able to send a template based email to a list of multiple contacts.

​Product catalog

  • We are adding support to enable you to determine what product specifications can be used as filters for end customers on the storefront category pages.


  • Someone from the company-type MSP should be able to prepare a cart and share the cart for review with their customer.

  • When a new company signs up, you can have them fill in custom fields that will update the related fields in Autotask, Connectwise or Dynamics. For example IBAN, VAT etc.

Advanced importer

  • Use the advanced importer to import any distributor price file into your catalogue.


We added new fields to the qoute endpoint that can be used to fetch information

  • Company number

  • PO number

  • Shipping method

  • Customer note

  • Internal note

  • Delivery address

Week 22

We are excited to announce the latest release of Salesbuildr, which includes several new features and improvements to enhance your experience. Here's a summary of the updates, sorted by their parent categories:

Company Page

Account Number Search

You can now search companies by account number, enhancing your search efficiency.

Display Custom Fields in Company Dialog

Allows display and storage of custom field values in the new company dialog, enhancing company data customization. You can link Autotask User Defined Fields to Salesbuildr Custom Fields to capture all required information when creating a new company in Salesbuildr.

Customer Classification Filter

We pulled in the Autotask classification field and added it as a filter to filter the the company overview page to improve how you search for specific customer types.

  1. Go to the "Edit Company" section in SalesBuilder.

  2. Locate the field called "Classification" which pulls information from Autotask PSA.

  3. Update the classification field as needed.

  4. Use the classification filter on the left side to view only matching companies.


Send emails to contacts

You can now send template based emails to contacts from Salesbuildr. The sender wil recieve the email as BCC. When contacts reply to the email you will receive the email in your inbox.

You can create email templates in Salesbuildr that can be selected when sending the email. You can send an email to multiple contacts if needed. In our next release we will add an overview of emails send to a contact and information about deliverability, opens and clicks.

Contact Labels

You can now create and apply one ore more custom labels to contacts to better segment contacts within a company and use them as a filter, facilitating better contact management and categorization.

Key Steps:

  1. Go to the contacts tab in SalesBuilder.

  2. Select a contact that you want to apply a label to.

  3. In the contact details, locate the label section.

  4. Create a new label by choosing a color and saving it.

  5. Apply the newly created label (or existing labels) to the contact.

  6. Save the changes.

Cautionary Notes:

  • Make sure to choose a descriptive label name for easy identification.

  • Double-check the labels applied to ensure accuracy.

Tips for Efficiency:

  • Create a color-coding system for labels to quickly identify contacts.

  • Use labels consistently across contacts for uniformity in filtering.

Product Catalog

Distributor Sync Option

Adds an option to download all products from a specific distributor, category and brand into a designated category in the portfolio. For example, you can now import all HP Notebooks from Ingram Micro into you HP Laptop categories. When new models are added by Ingram Micro, they will automatically be imported. When models are removed, they will be flagged as not found so you can easily set them to inactive.

Key Steps

  1. Navigate to the marketplace.

  2. Select a specific distributor.

  3. Choose a specific category (e.g., notebooks).

  4. Select the desired brand (e.g., Dell).

  5. Click on the "import all [number] results" button.

  6. Choose the category where the products will be imported.

  7. Enable the option to import future products automatically.

  8. Confirm the import.

Cautionary Notes

  • Ensure the selected distributor, category, and brand are accurate to avoid importing incorrect products.

  • Double-check the category where the products will be imported to prevent misplacement.

Tips for Efficiency

  • Familiarize yourself with the distributor's product categories to expedite the selection process.

  • Regularly check for new products from the distributor to stay updated on available options.

  • Keep track of imported products to maintain an organized portfolio.

Enable the setting below to hide products that are not available from end customers


We improved the product importer. View this walktrough to see how you can quickly add multiple products into a proposal by only using the manufacturer part number, quantity and category columns as input using our template. Advanced imports are part of our premium subscription.


When you add optional add-ons to a product category and add a product from that category to a proposal, the optional add-ons will now always appear so they can be selected by end customers without having to add them using the optional add-on button.

Email Attachments

We now upload all PDF attachments from the proposal to the Autotask opportunity when a proposal is signed and approved by your customer and attach them to the order confirmation email, providing complete information to all stakeholders.


Sortable columns

If you use the optional Whitespace module for Autotask, you can now sort columns to quickly see your largest customers or customers who spend the most on a specific category.

If you are interesting in the module, please reach out to us for a personalised demo.


Configure credit limits

You can now set a universal credit limit that applied to orders can are sumbitted trought the storefront.

You can overrride the universal credit setting on a per customer basis by navigating to the company admin tab.

Enable or disable view more products like this

Adds an option to hide similar products in the product edit admin tab, providing more control over product visibility on the product detail page.

These updates enhance usability, integration, and overall efficiency for Salesbuildr users, ensuring a smoother and more effective experience.

Week 20


  • Added option to use the Autotask internal product number field as prefix on quote line items (TN-4725). This enables your to use the internal partnumber in downstream workflows.

  • When an opportunity is won, quotes that are not approved will now be closed (TN-4525)


  • Archived quotes are now shown on Opportunities page with "archived" status (TN-4915)

  • When an opportunity is lost, all quotes under it are moved to archived (TN-3979)


  • Added "Your Favorites" title on dashboard when customer product list is enabled (TN-4682). This enables you to present a list of recommendes products to self serve customers.

  • Proposals now always open in presentation mode when end customers browse quotes while logged in (TN-4681)

  • Customer now always see their discounted price in store when a customer discount is configured (TN-3173)

KPN / RoutIT Integration

  • Added ability to select the Autotask UDF that contains the KPN customer ID so Salesbuildr can automatically link it to the KPN Customer ID (TN-4333). Select the field that contains the KPN customer ID from the Customer entity.

  • Added filter to product page to show items no longer in KPN catalog and filter KPN marketplace to only show products not in your catalog (TN-4332)

Filter for products that are link to items in your portfolio

Filter for products that are linked to items from the KPN portfolio. If an item is removed from the KPN portfolio it will be flagged as not found.

Company Page

  • You can now pull in more company info with data from including social media links, founded year, employee count, company description and industry to provide a comprehensive overview of the customer. (TN-4222)

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed issue where homepage only showed 1 product instead of all of them (TN-4952)

  • Resolved problem with unselected addons being shown on the basket overview page (TN-4935)

  • Fixed bug where products with both a monthly and regular cost only showed the regular cost (TN-4919)

  • Corrected product specifications like weight and screen size getting cut off on the product detail page (TN-4874)

  • Implemented a fix for custom product prices not saving when importing from marketplace (TN-4866)


  • Fixed a problem when navigating back from an approved basket (TN-4930)

  • Corrected "waiting internal approval" filter incorrectly showing approved quotes (TN-4908)


  • Fixed auth issue where customer login returned Forbidden even though company users should be able to log in (TN-4957)

Product Catalog

  • Fixed issues with bundles used as add-ons not adjusting price (TN-4918)


  • Fixed some instances of quote link not being created in email (TN-4910)

Week 18

We are excited to announce the latest release of Salesbuildr, which includes several new features and improvements to enhance your experience. Here's a summary of the updates, sorted by their parent categories:

Company Page

  • We now display address information on the company card for quick access to customer details.

KPN / RoutIT integration

  • Streamlined the process of creating new RoutIT services by only showing categories that contain services as to prevent adding the new services to an incorect category.


  • We now trigger an opportunity sync when you chang the primary quote within an opportunity for real-time data accuracy.

  • We have added filters for Category and Source on the Opportunity page to help users find specific opportunities more easily.

Product Catalog

  • Implemented a duplicate name check when creating a product, providing a warning to maintain catalog integrity.


  • Enhanced the quote approval process by allowing internal users to select products and view prices and distributors after approval of the quote to make it easy to review prices.

  • Added email recipient functionality for all approved quotes, ensuring smooth communication with clients.

Supplier API

  • We have added support for the Irish market for Ingram Micro, expanding product availability for our Irish customers.

  • We implemented a new integration with EET, a leading distributor in several European countries.

We hope these updates will help you streamline your processes, improve efficiency, and deliver excellent service to your customers. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

Week 16

User interface

  • Salesbuildr can now scale with your browser window so you can have a better overview of on larger resolutions.

  • We started to add sortable columns troughout the interface. Not all have been enable yet, more to follow in the upcoming releases


  • Search: We have improved the speed and search capabilities of the marketplace to make it much more precise. You can now type "HP Probook i5" to just show HP Probooks with I5 in the description.


  • You can now set a default mail address that receives notifications of approved quotes only.

  • Enabled instant inline editing when you drop a widget into a proposal.


  • Salesbuildr will now pull in the Linkedin profile link for your contacts and display an icon that takes you to their Linkedin page. This required you to enable the integration.


  • We improved the dialogue for the manage my profile screen.


  • TNWC has a large portfolio of new and refurbished mobile phone and is now available for you to enable in the marketplace in the Netherlands.

  • Target components is now available for you to enable in the marketplace in the United Kingdom.

Week 12

Our upcoming release is packed with new features and improvements aimed at streamlining your workflow and enhancing your customer interactions.
Here's what you can look forward to:


Incorporate personalized videos into your sales proposals.

By integrating video content, you can take your proposals to new heights, captivating potential clients and conveying your value proposition in a truly engaging and memorable way.

Here's how this feature can benefit your MSP:

📼 Enhanced Customer Engagement: Videos add a human touch, fostering trust and rapport with your prospects from the very start.

🧠 Improved Comprehension: Explain complex IT solutions visually, ensuring clients fully understand your offerings.

💪 Competitive Differentiation: Stand out from the crowd with a unique, multimedia approach to sales proposals.

🔒 Increased Retention: People retain information better when presented in a multimedia format, boosting recall of your key messages.

🌐 Scalability: Leverage templates and automation to efficiently create customized videos for each prospect.

📈 Nurture Relationships: Use videos throughout the sales cycle to provide updates, answer questions, and celebrate milestones.

You can start incorporating existing Loom or YouTube videos by simply pasting the URLs into your Salesbuildr proposals. Imagine the impact of:

▶️ Product/Service Walkthroughs

▶️ Client Testimonials

▶️ Executive Introductions

▶️ Instructional/Training Videos

▶️ Proposal Walkthroughs

See how to use this new feature below:

Direct Teams Chat from Sales Proposals

you can now add a Microsoft Teams chat link to your virtual business card displayed on the proposal screen. This means your end customers can initiate a Teams chat with you *right from the proposal* they are viewing.

Why is this a big deal? 🤔

✅ Instant Connection: No more waiting for emails or phone calls. Engage immediately with clients who are viewing your proposal.

✅ Streamlined Communication: Answer questions, clarify details, and close deals while the proposal is top-of-mind for your customer.

✅ Personalized Touch: Show your customers that you're just a click away, ready to provide that personal touch that sets you apart.

To enable this feature, simply use the following link format under manage my profile from the dashboard, section URL to chat with you:

Imagine sending a proposal and being right there to address any queries. That's next-level service, and it's here with Salesbuildr.

Contract overview now includes parent contracts

With our upcoming release, you will now be able to view and select service terminations from contracts associated with the parent company in Autotask.

Ship to , bill to and contact on digital approval

When your customer approves your proposal, they will now see the ship to, bill to and contact on the approval screen for clarity.

Storefront Custom Dashboard Tiles

Introducing Custom Dashboard Tiles, designed to elevate your customer engagement and streamline their access to essential resources.

💡 Key Benefits:
✅ Create a personalized, branded hub for your customers
✅ Seamlessly integrate with Autotask using User-Defined Fields (UDFs)
✅ Flexibly configure tiles with custom icons, labels, and links
✅ Control tile visibility using company whitelists

🔗 Link tiles to customer-specific resources:
➡️ Customer specific portals (BrightGauge, PowerBI)
➡️ Invoicing and billing systems
➡️ Support ticketing and knowledge bases
➡️ Announcements and maintenance schedules
➡️ Pages with forms that trigger workflows

📊 Dynamically populate tile links using any URL you stored in the Autotask Company UDFs, ensuring each customer has a unique link to personalized content specific to their company.

⚙️ Setting up custom dashboard tiles is a breeze. Navigate to the dashboard configuration settings in Salesbuildr, create tiles, set icons and labels, and map them to Autotask UDFs or a generic link. It's that simple!

🚀 Elevate your MSP storefront, enhance customer engagement, and provide a unified gateway to valuable resources. Strengthen your brand and streamline customer interactions with Salesbuildr's custom dashboard tiles.


You can now add a rule if you want to drop shipping cost above a specific order value by navigating to the company admin tab and setting a value under "Free shipping if above value". Read more.

You can now set the default company type that will be used when creating new companies inside Salesbuildr.

Advanced approvals

We added a condition that lets you set a trigger for internal approval when the value of a proposal exeeds a predefined anual recurring revenue (ARR) value. Read more.

Category overview

We clarified the category overview so you can instantly see if a category has hidden availability, the amount of products, wheater add-ons are configured, if shipping rules are applied or is set to hidden for non-admins.

Week 8

Our upcoming release is packed with new features and improvements aimed at streamlining your workflow and enhancing your customer interactions.
Here's what you can look forward to:

Storefront (view the updated documentation here)

  • You now have the option to automatically hide products that are not in stock for end customers.

  • When end customers open a draft basket, it now opens as a basket instead of a proposal.

  • The order confirmation page now shows a breakdown of costs for each item.

  • Mandatory add-ons are not greyed out for end customers to prevent them from deselecting them.

KPN RoutIT Integration (NL)

  • When you create a new service, Salesbuildr will now use the part number value to update the service MPN field inside Autotask.

  • Salesbuildr will now look at the service MPN field inside Autotask to try and match KPN-RoutIT services with services in Autotask.


  • You can now add new notes to your opportunities. These will also be sent to Opportunity in Autotask.

  • We added a new opportunity field where you can add an estimated churn value for your forecasting.

Product Catalogue

  • You can now fetch ICECat product information in bulk.


  • Year-to-date one-time revenue, MRR and the number of quotes sent are now available in the company export .csv file, so you can use this in your analysis.


  • When copying a proposal, you now have the option to copy prices from the quote of default to catalogue prices.

Week 6


  • When you specify the contract duration, Salesbuildr will also update the contract duration field in Autotask.


  • We moved the options for adding products to your proposal to the first tab on the side panel in order to speed up your workflow and prevent you from having to switch tabs.

  • We have added the ability to Inline edit pages.

  • Added a left pane with a table of contents to your proposal.

Self-service storefront

We have updated the self-service storefront to leverage a shopping basket with a more streamlined checkout process. Watch the video below to see how it works. The self-service storefront is an optional module, reach out to learn more or navigate to this page for more details.


Creating a new company in Salesbuildr will now also create the company in Autotask when you configure Salesbuildr to Autotask company mapping in the admin section under Autotask company import. Read how this works in this article.

Advanced imports

  • You can now map margin, unit, require procurement, select a specific distributor and select a proposal template to be used to bulk create renewal proposals. Read more here.

KPN Rout-it integration

  • You can now unlink services between KPN-Rout-it and Autotask services.

Product Catalog

  • New roundup options for products:

    • Whole number if price above 100 minus 1 cent.

    • Round up from 2nd digit.

    • Round up from 2nd digit minus 1 cent.


  • You can now use the internal quote note in internal email notifications using {{quote.internalNote}}

  • Be able to set a background image for content pages

  • You can now add attachments to widget templates that will be added as attachments to the proposal when you drag the widget into your proposal

Week 4


  • Filter by Creation Date: You can now filter quotes by their creation date, making it easier to track and manage quotes over time.

  • Character Limit in Description Field: A finite character limit has been set for the description field in quotes, enhancing clarity and readability.

  • "Insert Products Here" Button: The reintroduction of this button in the new editor simplifies adding products to quotes.

  • Clear Date Filters: New functionality to clear date filters, enhancing ease of managing and sorting quotes.

  • Open Products in New Tab: Products in quotes will now open in a new tab, facilitating easier reference and comparison.

  • Discounts: You can now choose between applying a percentage or a hard number when adding a discount, offering more flexibility in pricing adjustments.


  • New columns to separate MRR and One time revenue


  • Opportunity Summary tiles: New tiles show you year to date information on opportunities created. closed and conversion rate. This will be expanded over time with additional filters and date ranges.


  • Custom Distributors with Optional Product ID Input: You can now input distributor product IDs optionally, offering more flexibility in managing distributor-related information.

Advanced Imports

  • Licensing Renewals and New Product Imports: Enhanced the import process for licensing renewals, including the ability to import new products when the category is unknown.

  • Import Column Q as Quote Title: The import feature now includes the ability to use Column Q "Title" as the quote title.

  • Combining Multiple Rows for the Same Product: Multiple rows for the same product in imports can now be combined into one row, streamlining the data entry process.

  • Date Format Explainer in Pricing Book Importer: An explainer for the "date format" has been added to the pricing book importer for clearer understanding and accuracy.

Pricing Books

  • Applying Pricing Books to Existing Items: When applying a pricing book to a quote, it will now apply to all already existing items, ensuring pricing consistency.

  • Special Bid Field Addition: A special bid field under the "purchase info" field has been added, which overrides the value from the pricing book, providing more pricing flexibility.

  • Simplified Pricing Books Search on Quote Dialog: The search functionality within the pricing books on the quote dialog has been simplified, making it easier to find and apply the right pricing book.

Week 2


  • Improved Contact Management: The company tab has been moved to a company card on the contact page for consistency, making it easier to manage and view contact details.

  • Seamless Integration with Autotask: Now, creating a new contact in Salesbuildr will automatically create a corresponding contact for existing companies in Autotask, streamlining your workflow. Learn how to setup the integration with Apollo if you want contact details to be automatically fetched.


  • Contract Churn Management: We've introduced tweaks for better handling of contract churn, providing insights and tools to manage and reduce churn effectively. Learn more in this article.


  • Flexible Add-Ons Arrangement: You can now change the order of add-ons in quotes for better customization and presentation.


  • Global Quote Configuration: Added a global configuration to decide if generated product widgets are named after their category or parent category, offering more flexibility in template customization.


  • Licensing Renewals and Imports: Enhanced the import process for licensing renewals, including the ability to handle new products with unknown categories and import specific data as quote titles. Read this article to learn more.

Pricing Books

  • Simplified Pricing Book Search: Streamlined the search process in pricing books on quote dialogues, making it quicker and easier to find the right pricing information.

Dynamics 365 Integration

  • CRM Opportunity Status Update: Improved integration with Dynamics 365, including updates to opportunity status in the CRM, ensuring better synchronization and data accuracy.

Week 51


  • Full-screen images: You can now upload full-screen images as image widgets and use them in your proposal to make them more visually attractive.

  • Widget settings: We have relocated settings to the left of the widget, providing more screen area for content editing and removing the need to resize the window.


  • New Tab for Product Details: Enhanced user experience by opening product details in a new tab, preventing disruption of workflow.

  • Drag and drop quote pages: Reintroduction of the drag-and-drop feature for quote pages, boosting efficiency in quote creation.

  • Quote options: Improved layout and arrangement of buttons in the quote detail tab, offering a more intuitive user interface.

  • Global Quote Configuration: Added global configuration for setting how Salesbuildr should name product widgets. When you insert a new product into a proposal, the title of the widget is set to the title of the subcategory of the product. You can use this setting to set the title of the widget to the main category.

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