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Quick Guide: How to create and send a quote
Quick Guide: How to create and send a quote

Learn how to quickly create and sent a quote to a customer

Updated this week

Please navigate to this article that explains how to enable and use the updated quote editor

How to create a simple quote in a couple of minutes

For a visual overview on sending a quick quote, given that all default settings and templates are configured as laid out in the post onboarding checklist , watch the instructional video below.

To create a quick quote:

  1. Go to Dashboard.

  2. Select New Quote under the Quick Actions section.

3. Enter the required information.

4. Select Create to go to the quote page.

5. In the quote page, you can:

  • Click the Edit icon to edit the quote information.

  • Click Share to send the quote to somebody.

  • Click Download PDF to download the quote.

  • Click Go to the detailed quote page to view a more detailed quote.

Continue reading to understand how quotes work and what options you have in creating and sending them.

Create a new quote

Create a new quote from your dashboard using the quick quote tile or by pressing Q on your keyboard. Salesbuildr will automatically create a new opportunity based on standard values that are defined in the opportunity defaults and pick the template that you defined as default.

Type the name of the customer and pick the contact person that wants to receive the quote. If you have configured a primary contact for that company, it will be filled in automatically.

If you are creating a simple quote with a couple of items from your catalog, you can select them in the products field.

When you click create, Salesbuildr will jump into the quote presentation view.

If you are happy with the quote, you can send it to your customer for approval by scrolling down until you see the send button. From the send quote dialog, review the settings and click send to email to quote to your customer.

If you want to edit or change your quote before sending it to your customer, click on "Go to detailed quote page" on the top op your screen.

This will take you to the quote editor where you can customise it.

Add items to your quote

Add products, services, software or labour from your catalog by typing the product name or the part number on the top left section of the screen. Use the "Only available stock" option to hide items that are unavailable.

The item you select will be added to your quote in the section that you marked for inserting new products in the template that this quote was based on. You can configure this using the icon shown below.

Products you add from your catalog using the add product option will be added into a product section in your quote under the the name of the category that they are located in.

Any mandatory product add-ons that have been configure for the product in the catalog will be added under your line item, suggested add-ons are available under the "+ add additional product add-ons" selector. You can choose to include them in your quote.

Viewing available suppliers for line items

By clicking on the supplier dropdown, you can quickly view the availability for that item across your supplier landscape.

Adding line item descriptions

For each line item, you or your customer can add a note to give your team specific instructions on what needs to happen with the line item after shipment. Any notes added to this field will translate to the quote line item description field in Autotask.

You PSA invoice template can be configured in such a way that the quote line item description is used on the invoice. See the details on how the template works with the invoice on this image.

Changing a quote line item

When adding a line item from a quote, Salesbuildr will copy the cost, markup and margin from the catalog and check for any discount rules or customer pricing books. When editing the line item, you can change the name, description, cost, price and markup to match how you want to offer the line item.

Adding a bundle to a quote

Bundles can be used to combine multiple line items from your catalog into a single line items on a quote. You can choose to show your customer what's in the bundle, or to just show the single line item. Read more about bundles here.

Inserting widgets

Widgets are pre-defined page templates that can be inserted into quotes. Widgets can contain one of more pages of content that can include items from your sales portfolio. Use the insert widget option to open the list of available widges and use the labels to quickly filter for relevant items. Then pick one or more widgets and click select to insert them into your quote.

Edit quote widgets

If you need to make changes to the cover letter or any other component, click on the pencil icon on the top right of the component. Read the templates article to learn more on how to set up templates and what dynamic fields can be used.

Enabling customers to pick and choose items

You can enable single choice or multiple choice options to enable your customers to make a selection.

Consolidating line items from different product widgets

By default, items will be added to your quote in their own category widget, depending on what product category they are from. You can drag and drop line items from the right action panel to a different product section and then remove and rename widgets as needed.

Changing the page order

You can change the order of your pages by using the sort widgets icon and then simply dragging them up or down.

Inserting page breaks

By inserting page breaks, you can control how the quote looks in presentation mode and how the quote appears when it is exported to PDF.

Verifying pricing and availability

Before sending your quote, you can perform a last minute check for pricing and availability. This will pull in the latest cost price from your connected distributors.

Adding an internal note

You can add an internal note to a quote. This fields supports rich text, links and images.

Verifying or changing quote settings

You can verify the quote settings by selecting the settings tab. Salesbuildr will apply the default quote settings that have been configured in the admin section, and overwrite them by any quote settings that have been applied to the template. Any customer specific payment terms will be applied if they have been configured.

Previewing and sending quote

Click on presentation to see how your customer will view the quote. When you are happy with how the quote looks, click on send to open the send quote dialogue. The default email template and signature will be applied.

The send quote dialog will prompt you to change the expiry date from the default expiry date you have set under Admin - Configuration - Quotes.

  • You can add additional customer contacts to the CC so they will receive a copy

  • You can add internal contacts to the CC so they will receive a copy

  • You can review, add or remove shipping costs.

  • You can change the outgoing message that is based on the email template, or select a custom email template that you created earlier.

When you are ready, click on confirm. The quote will now be sent to your customer, and you will be notified of view and approval events. If you want to send the link to the quote using your own email system, you can copy the link to the quote using the share button.

How the quote is sent to your customer

When you send the quote using Salesbuildr, your customer will receive an email message according to the email template that you have configured in the admin section, along with any email signature that you have configured.

How your customer can accept a quote without logging in

By default, your customer does not have to sign-in to Salesbuildr to accept a quote and the top navigating bar and sign-in button will not be visible. The default workflow for opening, viewing and accepting a quote will look like this:

Approving or declining on behalf or you customer

You can use the buttons on the quote editor to approve or decline on behalf or your customer.

How your customer using Microsoft of Google SSO

You can change your default settings to force your customer to sign-in using SSO by disabling "This quote can be approved without logging in." on the quote settings tab. You can learn more about this function in this article.

In this case, you customer will have the following workflow experience:

You can choose to change the default settings in the default quote settings. If needed, you can choose to configure a customer specific approval workflow based on the quote value.

What happens when a quote is accepted

After approval, Salesbuildr will update the related opportunity and quote (in Autotask or Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, depending on the line of business application that your company uses) according to the rules you have defined in the default opportunity Settings.

Salesbuildr will also upload the approved quote in PDF format including the the customer comment, provided PO number and any PDF attachments that are part of the quote to the opportunity entity in Autotask.

You and your customer will receive an order confirmation according to your order confirmation email template that includes the approved quote in PDF format.

Continue below to learn more advanced options

Keeping track of events

You can track events as they happen on the audit trail tab on your quote.

Selecting Pax8 Term and Commitment from a Dropdown

For Pax8 offerings, you can now select the term and commitment for each product directly from a dropdown menu within the quote page.

  • When adding a Pax8 product to your quote, a dropdown menu will appear for each item, allowing you to choose from available term and commitment options.

  • When you select a different term or commitment option, the price and cost for that item will update automatically.

  • A warning dialog will also appear to notify you of any changes to the price or cost, ensuring you are aware of the updates.
    This feature provides full control over which variants you wish to make available in your quote, giving both flexibility and clarity when configuring quotes for Pax8 products.


Adding a discount for all one time items

You can add an overall % discount on one time items to a quote.

Automated Expiry reminders

You can enable reminders for quotes that will be sent to you and your customer by navigation to Admin - Configuration - Quotes and setting the reminder period. Go to Admin - Email Templates - Quote Reminder to change the default email notification template.
Changing the quote contact

If you need to change the contact person for a quote, you will need to change the contact person of the opportunity. You can quickly open and make changes to the opportunity from the quote editor.

Retracting a quote

We all make mistakes sometimes, so we made it easy to correct them. When you need to change or retract a quote, simply click the retract button. When your customer clicks the link, the quote will be unavailable until you have made changes.

When ready, you can mark the quote as send, so the link will be active again.

Quote chat and notifications

You and your customers can communicate using the chat tab on quotes to handle any questions. When you post a new comment, your customer will receive a notification with the message in their email with a link to reply. When your customer adds a note, the quote owner will receive a notification with the message in their email with a link to reply.

Chat messages can set to private (only visible for internal users) or public (also visible for customers)

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