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Answers to your all your Shmoody related questions!
16 articles
How can I receive a refund?Step by step refund instructions
How do I cancel my trial or subscription?
Why I can't download the App?
Family Sharing: Yay or Nay!
Want to Upgrade Your Plan? Here's How!
How Do I Build My Own Routine?
Having trouble syncing your Account into your new phone?
App Crashing? Don't Panic!
I'd Like to Delete My Data. How Can I Do That?
Help! I Can't Log In!
Where can I log my mood?
Help! Apple has Denied My Refund
My Refund Hasn't Appeared in My AccountYour refund was approved but you don't see it in your account yet
How to access the app with Apple Family SharingHow to redeem a subscription that a family member purchased
Free vs. Premium Plans of the Shmoody App
I can't access Apple subscriptions to cancel my subscription