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Shopflo Discount
Shopflo Discount refers to promotional offers or price reductions that customers can apply to their purchases on the Shopflo platform, helping them save money on products or services.
31 articles
Amount capped discount
Bulk selection of discounts
Bundle discounts
Buy X Get Y Discounts
Callout carts for Discounts
Configure payment offers
Coupon Combination rule
Create and manage discounts on Shopflo
Create Callout discount step by step.
Creating a 10% UPI Payment OfferIn this article, you'll learn how to create a 10% off payment offer for UPI transactions.
Creating a Customer Segment for Discounts in ShopfloIn this article, you'll learn how to create a segment and use it in a discount on Shopflo.
Creating a Flat 10% Discount on ShopfloIn this article, you'll learn how to create a flat 10% discount on Shopflo
Creating a Freebie DiscountIn this article, you'll learn how to create a freebie discount.
Creating a Prepaid FreebieThis article will guide you through the process of creating a prepaid freebie.
Creating Discounts for Repeat Customers
Customer Specific discount
Customise combination of discount
Customize Payment Offer Title
Edit Discount Description
Freebie Selector Feature for Customizable Discounts
Freebies to increase prepaid share
Generating a Discount Report
How to use Shopflo's Discount AI Assistant
Managing Multiple Prepaid Offers on Shopflo Dashboard
Percentage off discount for first time user
Removal of Automatic Discounts
Removing Discount Box from CheckoutIn this article, you'll learn how to hide the discount box during your sales season.
Reordering Discounts on Shopflo Dashboard
Set a maximum condition on bundle discount
Set discounts
Shopflo Freebie Discount