Creating an Ad on SocioCommand

This article goes through how to create an ad from scratch on SocioCommand.

Kate Scully avatar
Written by Kate Scully
Updated over a week ago

Creating an ad is as easy as pie on SocioCommand. You can choose to create an ad for one location or multiple locations.

In order to create an ad on SocioCommand, there are a few things that need to be set up on Facebook for your ad to be submitted successfully.

  • Your Ad Account will need to be connected to SocioCommand. For more information on connecting a Facebook Ad Account to SocioCommand, visit the link below.
    Connecting a Facebook Ad Account to SocioCommand

  • Your billing details need to be set up on Facebook.

  • You will need to create an audience on Facebook Business Manager. We recommend making this as broad as possible to capture all areas that our Locations are based in. You can create an audience by visiting this link.

There are 2 ways to create an ad on SocioCommand; via the Advertisement tab or via the Posts tab.

1. Creating an Ad on SocioCommand from the Advertisement tab:

  • Select the Create Ad button under the appropriate Ad Account in the Advertisement tab. If there is more than one Ad Account connected to SocioCommand - make sure you are choosing the right one.

  • Choose the objective of the Ad you would like to create.
    There are 3 objective options;
    Engagement - The engagement objective is for campaigns where you want to show ads to an audience who is most likely to be interested in your business.

    Brand Awareness - The awareness objective is for campaigns where you want to show ads to an audience who is most likely to remember them.

    Traffic - The traffic objective is designed to send your audience to a destination, such as your website or app.

  • Next, you will need to choose an existing campaign or create a new one. If you are creating a new one, you will name the campaign something to describe the campaign you are running. The ideal campaign name will include the item promoted, the objective and any other variations to set it apart.

  • Ad Setup

    Here, you can choose to promote an already published post, a post that is scheduled for the future, or, you can choose to create a new post from scratch.
    If promoting an already published post, you will choose this option from the drop-down menu and a snippet of all published posts will appear in the window below. If you are choosing a scheduled post, a snippet of all scheduled posts will appear in the window.
    If the post is a Batch Post, it will say this in red beside the post preview.

    If you choose a Batch Post, a pop-up window will appear to ensure you would like to create an ad for this particular Batch. Select 'Batch' if you would like to go ahead with this ad.

  • If 'Batch' is selected, a list of all the channels that this post has been published on/ scheduled for will appear. Select all of the channels you would like to run the ad for.
    Then, select Next at the bottom of the screen.

  • Budget & Schedule
    You will now have to enter information on how much money you would like to spend on your ad and how long you would like your ad to run.
    Budget; If you have chosen a Batch Ad, the amount you enter for 'Lifetime Budget' will be multiplied by the number of pages you have chosen to run the ad on. The example below shows an ad running on 3 pages.

    Schedule; make sure to enter a date & time in the future and after the ad has been scheduled. You will see when the ad has been scheduled below the start time here. *Don't forget to add a time when people are most likely to be online.

    You will then need to enter a timezone. Then, select 'Next' at the bottom of the screen.

  • Audience Targetting
    Here, you can select one of your audiences saved on Facebook. Information will be pulled from this audience to SocioCommand. You can edit any of this detailed targeting before scheduling your ad.

  • Submitting
    When you are happy with the ad set-up, scroll back to the top of the screen and select Submit.

2. Creating an Ad on SocioCommand from the Posts tab:

  • Once you have scheduled or posted a post, 2 options will appear when you hover over it; View or Create Ad.

  • Once you select Create Ad, the Advertisement tab will pop open with the post you have pre-selected.

  • Continue creating the ad by following the steps above.

  • Submitting
    When you are happy with the ad set-up, scroll back to the top of the screen and select Submit.

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