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Business Intelligence Reporting (Socio BI)
Business Intelligence Reporting (Socio BI)

SocioConnect's powerful analytics suite for brand and campaign level views on your social media

Gareth Dooner avatar
Written by Gareth Dooner
Updated over 10 months ago

Socio BI

The Business Intelligence (BI) module of SocioConnect aggregates and displays data from all of your locations in an easy to understand format.

Navigating The BI

BI is located behind the graph icon, which you'll find along the left side of the screen.

At the top of the BI view you will see controls for filtering and organising the displayed data; click this area to expand and interact with it.

πŸ”Ž By default, all of the BI figures will be tailored to show Reach statistics, but those same figures can be focused on Engagement, Likes, Comments, or Shares by clicking those areas above the filter controls

Dynamic Data

The data you see displayed in BI is also dynamic, and can adjust itself at a click to help bring you greater depth and specificity.

In the below example I click on one Label in particular, which BI will then highlight - second later every report on screen will regenerate to focus exclusively on data related to the highlighted label.

This process works in many different fields within the BI, so it pays to experiment to find the best data for your purposes.

The BI Reports

Below a list of all individual reports within the Business Intelligence section, and quick explanations to get you started.

Brand Exposure

A graph where you can easily see the difference in performance between your brand level posting and the success location level users are having themselves.

Organic And Paid

A graph comparing the performance of organic and paid posting over the period.

Top Locations

A list of all your locations (or just those selected by your groups filter) along with their performance within this period.


A running total of posts on your selected locations, along with an indicator of the change within this period.


A running total of reach on your selected locations, along with an indicator of the change within this period.


A running total of engagement on your selected locations, along with an indicator of the change within this period.

Daily Post Forecast

Graphs performance over the previous period, and extrapolates to give you an idea of the expected performance in the near future.

Top By Label

A list of how your Labels have performed over the time period - the perfect tool for tracking campaign success.

πŸ€” Don't forget, the Labels list, along with many other fields within BI, is Dynamic; labels can be clicked to filter the entire screen around them.

Post Count by Network

A quick counter showing you how many posts have gone out on your channels within the time period, and what networks they were published to.

Post Reach by Channel Name and City

A useful geographical map of your locations, and visual representation of their performance.

Hover over a location with your cursor for more details.

✈️ Notice anything strange on the BI map? If you find a location far from where they're supposed to be it points to their Facebook page's address being set wrong, which in turn will affect SEO and advertising - luckily you can fix this right from within SocioConnect, on our Locations page.

Fans Count

A running total of fans on your selected locations, along with an indicator of the change within this period.


The number of people who have gotten directions from your connected GoogleMyBusiness and Facebook pages.

Label Comparison

A visual comparison of label performance, split between Brand or Local posting.

Posts Per Post Reach Count And Labels

A visual representation of how posts within each label performed - allowing you to spot outliers at a glance.

Hovering your cursor over a colour block and clicking will take you directly to the post on its social media network.


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