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Company Analytics - Additional Dashboards

Learn about all of the metrics that are in the Additional Dashboards section

Sarah Cusack avatar
Written by Sarah Cusack
Updated over 5 months ago

Dig into company and project metrics using the insight tile options in the Additional Dashboards section.

Type Insights allows teams to view and organize company projects by type of construction/design project.

Sector Insights displays the company projects by unique business sector.

Performance Index will measure a team’s use of tasks, milestones, and constraints.

PPC Insights displays a collection of data specific to the PPC and Variance Reasons compiled across the project portfolio in Touchplan.

Status Performance measures the number of tickets that have been statused (marked as completed early, on time or late) versus the total number of tickets created in the past 6 weeks.

Milestone PPC measures the milestone metrics in projects for milestone completion and variance reasons. This Dashboard will display a collection of data specific to the PPC and Variance Reasons for pinned milestone tickets (diamond tickets) across the project portfolio

Constraint Insights allows admin users to closely track and analyze the company constraints and their performance all in one place.

Team Participation displays all recent users on projects across the company and their activity levels.

Labor Insights monitors and manages past and future crew sizes across company projects.

Swimlane Insights allows teams to view swim lanes across the company projects.

Task Quick View allows teams to monitor and manage the current and upcoming weeks of work across a project.

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