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Guide to Settings: Shopify

How to edit Shopify settings within Lister

Rain Gilbert avatar
Written by Rain Gilbert
Updated over a week ago


These Admin settings are specific to the integration between Shopify and Upright Lister. You can edit any of these settings by clicking on the gear icon in the top right corner of Lister, scrolling to the “Channels” section, and clicking on Shopify.

Table of Contents

How to Access Shopify Settings in Lister

After you’ve connected Shopify to Lister, Shopify settings are found in the admin section of Lister. Only Admins and Custom Roles with access to manage channel settings can view and edit these controls.

  1. Click the gear icon in the top right navigation menu of Lister to go to the admin page

  2. Click “Shopify” under the “Channels” section in the left navigation menu

  3. Click “Edit setting” next to your Shopify account name

Shopify Settings Overview

The Shopify settings page controls how Lister interacts with Shopify when posting listings and allows you to set default fulfillment locations. Below is a brief outline of these settings, followed by further details.

  1. Sales Channel Publishing: Controls what connected marketplace apps your listings will publish to

  2. Postings: Controls basic details of how your listings will publish to Shopify and order import settings

  3. Fulfillment Locations: Control the default shipping and pickup locations for your Shopify listings

  4. Save and Unlink: Save any updates after making any changes to settings, or unlink Shopify from Lister

Sales Channel Publishing

This section controls what connected Shopify Marketplaces Lister will forward your listings to so you can publish your Lister products to the Facebook & Instagram app and the Google & YouTube app.

Click the button below to learn more about connecting sales channels to Shopify and controlling these settings in Lister!


This section controls the following aspects of your Shopify listings:

  1. Default Price: The price for all new listings unless changed on individual Listings or via Listing Strategies. If you want to manually price every item, leave this setting blank

  2. List Immediately: If unchecked, all listings must be manually approved in the “Pending” tab of the Listing Manager

  3. Automatically set Shopify tags based on the product category: This feature allows you to add tags to an item automatically based on their category and subcategories

    • For example, if the item listed had a category of Sports > Sporting Equipment>Bowling, “Sports,” “Sporting Equipment,” and “Bowling” would be added as tags on the listing

    • This can be particularly useful if your Shopify store theme uses tags for filtering or for store searchability

  4. Sync product tags to Shopify Tags: If checked, any tags added via the Product form will automatically populate to the Shopify listing

  5. Order Import Settings: This tells Lister which orders to import. We strongly recommend importing all orders from Shopify

    • Import All: All orders will import regardless of where the item was listed (recommended)

    • Orders originating from Lister: Only imports orders of items listed via Lister and excludes any listed through Shopify

  6. Default Description Footer: Text entered here will show at the bottom of every Shopify listing

    • Description Footers are ideal for standard disclaimers or information about your organization

    • Category-specific disclaimers, like jewelry or home electronics testing information, should be added to builder templates

  7. Default Pickup Description Footer: This will be added to the bottom of the description of all pickup listings

    • This footer will appear below the default description footer if you have set one

Fulfillment Locations

These settings control the default shipping and local pickup location for your Shopify listings.

  1. Default Shipping Location: This will appear by default as the source of where items are shipped from to your buyers on Shopify

  2. Default Pickup Location: This address is the place where buyers should pick-up items

  3. Resync: If you add or edit an existing Pickup or Shipping fulfillment location in Shopify, you will need to resync them to Lister. Click this button to resync locations from Shopify to Lister

Save and Unlink

  1. Save: After making any edits to your settings, click “Save” at the bottom of the page

  2. Unlink Shopify Account from Lister: Clicking this will disconnect your Shopify account from Lister. Please do not select this option unless you are absolutely certain you want to disconnect your Shopify store. Unlinking Shopify from Lister will:

    • Prevent you from fulfilling open Shopify orders in Lister

    • Prevent you from posting and relisting products to Shopify and your connected marketplaces

    • Stop and remove all Shopify Listing Strategy steps

    • Remove the Shopify listings report

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