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Connect Userled with your HubSpot instance to create personalized experiences for property values and measure the impact on your pipeline

Updated over a week ago

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When you integrate HubSpot with Userled, you can create audiences based on HubSpot attributes and dynamically insert HubSpot variables into your experiences.

Here are a few example use cases integrating Hubspot with Userled enables:

  • Create audiences using Hubspot attributes. Target companies, contacts and gain access to your own Hubspot lists. Dynamically insert Hubspot variables into your experiences for personalisation.

  • Send Userled assets to your CRM to enable marketing and sales teams and 10x their workflows.

  • Target users with an open deal personalised content speaking to ROI.

  • Give target accounts a link to book a call with their sales rep from the homepage.

  • Measure the impact of each experience on your pipeline.

How it works

Userled created a HubSpot App to establish a connection with your HubSpot data.

When a user comes to your website, we start by checking to see if the HubSpot Tracking Code matches a contact record. If that is not found, we will use IP data to match with the HubSpot company record.

This customer profile data is synced with their Userled identifier and lets you create audiences for personalization using HubSpot data alongside any other data source.

How to integrate HubSpot with Userled

Ensure you have admin privileges in Hubspot or ask your admin to help you with these next steps.

Step 1 - Activate your HubSpot integration

  1. Log into Userled at

  2. Navigate to the Integrations page and click “Manage” on Hubspot.

  3. Click “Integration portal” and follow the steps to connect your Hubspot account

4. Select “HubSpot CRM” in the list of available integrations

  1. You will see a notification saying the integration was successfully added. You’re not done just yet

5. Click “Authorise” to authorise your Hubspot to connect to Userled

6. Select your main Hubspot account where you hold company and contact information

7. Enable read/write permissions and connect the app

8. Navigate back to your Hubspot integration settings to validate it’s connected properly. You should see a “🟢 Connected” status.

That's it - your integration is now complete! You can now get started using HubSpot data in Userled.

Step 2 - Create Hubspot audiences

You now have access Hubspot properties in your audience definitions to target accounts and contacts that are known in your CRM and create personalisations based on CRM properties.

Step 3 - Enrich analytics with revenue metrics

Step 4 - Sync assets in Hubspot to enable Marketing and Sales

Userled not only consumes data from your Hubspot source but can also treat Hubspot as a destination to push personalised assets to. This enables Marketing and Sales teams to have access to personalised assets directly.

Common issues

  1. Are you admin in Hubspot? Your Hubspot settings may be configured such that only administrators can grant access to tools like Userled. Ensure you have admin privileges in Hubspot or ask your admin to help you with the installation steps.

  2. Hubspot couldn’t complete the connection. Your Hubspot account may not have the features required to enable the connection. In this case, reach out to your Hubspot admin.

💡 Note Hubspot integration is available as part of our Paid plans. If you are considering Userled’s paid offering please reach out to us on

If you have any questions, we’re here to help! Please feel free to contact us at any time, either through our Slack Community or via

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