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Vendor (predictions, I-icon, and more)
Vendor (predictions, I-icon, and more)

How vendors are predicted, I-icon, recent bill summary, and all vendor history

Ryan Goetz avatar
Written by Ryan Goetz
Updated over 10 months ago

All AI predictions start with the vendor, the single most important predicted field, and then move on to other fields like invoice number, invoice date, and amount among others.

This article contains everything you need to know as to how vendor predictions are made, how to increase the accuracy of vendor predictions, as well as find additional information stored on the vendor I-icon to see prior bills.

Global Model

By utilizing the learnings from the hundreds of millions of invoices processed through, an overarching, global AI model brings the highest possible accuracy to your predictions. The options are still limited by the vendors in your masterdata.

Data Points for Predictions

The most important field is the Vendor Name. The predicted vendor name will be compared to all possible options from your masterdata.

Other matching data points in Vendor Masterdata are used in the case of a tie or an inexact match. These tiebreakers are common in the case of multiple instances of a single vendor name (common with Utility/Telecom services or multiple locations):

  • Address

  • Email Address

  • Phone Number

  • Account Number

Blank supplemental masterdata can't be used in a tie-breaker for a vendor prediction.

Increasing Vendor Prediction Accuracy

You can increase the quality and accuracy of the predictions by having vendor masterdata that matches what is seen on the invoices.

Editing Vendor Name:

Names that align between vendor masterdata and an invoice improve accuracy.

  • Example: “Zephyr Construction Inc,.” in your masterdata, but “Zephyr Homes” on the invoice.

Difficult Scenarios for the AI:

Different names will harm the AI’s predictive capabilities, such as acronyms or DBA.

  • Acronyms

    • Example: Vendor name is “Amazon Web Services” in your masterdata, but “AWS” on the invoice.

  • DBA (Doing Business As)

    • Example: If the vendor name is “Alphabet” in your masterdata, but “Google” on the invoice.

For these examples, editing of vendor masterdata to bring names into alignment with what is found on invoices is strongly encouraged.

We know how important it can be to see vendor account information, as well as previous examples of processed bills. This is why has the Vendor Information Card.

Access the Vendor Information Card:

  1. Keyboard shortcut for selected vendor: 'control + i'

  2. Click the 'i' icon next to a vendor name

Information on a Vendor Information Card:

  • Address

  • Account Number (integration-dependent)

  • Payment Method (integration-dependent)

  • Summary of five most recent invoices

  • View Recent Invoices: Clicking this link will open a new browser tab pre-filtered for all invoices from this vendor.

Vendor Information Mapping

The chart below shows the vendor information fields and the fields they sync with in the respective connected system. Field


Sage Intacct


Address fields

Address fields

Address fields

Account Number

not available

Vendor Account Number

Account Number

Payment Gateway

"Check" field has info

Preferred Payment Method

Will show type if "check"

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