Performance indicators on Waalaxy

On Waalaxy, you have access to different dashboard indicators to measure your performance.

Updated over a week ago

Performance indicators are a crucial element to consider in your prospecting strategy. They allow you to monitor your results and determine whether your current strategy is effective or needs revision.

🍇 Acceptance Rate

The acceptance rate is the percentage of people who accepted your connection request out of the total number of connection requests sent.

You can view this data on the Waalaxy homepage or from your campaign on the right side.

🍈 Response Rate

The response rate is the number of replies to messages out of the total number of messages sent. This includes responses to LinkedIn messages, responses to connection notes, and responses to message requests.

⚠️ Note that when calculating notes, we only consider the number of accepted connection notes, not the total number of notes sent.

Calculation: We are talking about the responses to messages out of the number of messages sent over the period.

🍉 Waalaxy Homepage Dashboard

This dashboard displays the number of LinkedIn actions sent and the number of emails sent during a given period. You can filter by campaign to obtain precise data.

You also have access to several other indicators, including the number of LinkedIn connections, the number of pending connection requests, and the number of LinkedIn profile views.

🍊 Campaign Dashboard

This dashboard displays the number of actions sent via your campaign during a given period. You can also view the acceptance rate and response rate for this campaign.

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