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Social Platforms

How to configure and manage the Social Platforms tab

Updated over 6 months ago

If you have configured and saved the General and Details tabs, the rest of the shop form tabs are now available to edit.

Tip: You can edit the rest of the tabs in any order.

The Social Platforms tab is used to link and manage existing social media profiles to your shop. Links are displayed on the shop homepage, next to the shop name and logo.

You can link to the following platforms and a corresponding icon will show on your shop:

  1. Facebook

  2. Twitter (X)

  3. YouTube

  4. Instagram

  5. Google

  6. Pinterest

  7. LinkedIn

To add a new link, click the button in the top RH corner.

Configuring the General form

  1. Select the Social Media platform from the list – this will link the icon to the Shop homepage.

  2. [Title] – if adding two links to the same social media platform they will need separate names e.g. LinkedIn Personal and LinkedIn Shop.

  3. [URL] – ensure the full URL is added otherwise the link won't work.

Important: If the "Status" button is turned ON (blue), the social media icons are visible on the front end of your shop. Setting to OFF (grey) hides them until you are ready to publish.

  • - save current changes

  • - reset to the last saved changes

Note: As well as social media icons, there are other icons displayed on the front of your shop. Refer to How to manage your shop for more information.

How to manage your linked Social Platforms

Once you have linked your social platforms, they will be visible as a list on the Social Platforms tab. For each platform in this list, there are action buttons shown to the RHS of each link which provide additional functionality:

  1. When the Status button is turned ON (blue), the corresponding social platform icon is visible on the front end of your shop.

  2. When the Status button is turned OFF (grey), the icon is not visible.

  3. icon - edit an existing icon link. This opens the General form.

  4. icon - delete the existing icon link.

What next?

Here are some other articles relating to configuring the Shop form:

If you have finished configuring the Shop form - congratulations!

We recommend you return to the Getting started article to see what needs to be configured next.

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