Manage your bank account details
You can provide bank account details if you are a Seller, Buyer, or Advertiser.
Important: Wallet withdrawals are only used for advertising credit that is not spent, and the advertiser would like a refund of the remaining credits.
Navigate to your dashboard. From the LH menu, select Profile>Bank Account.
Enter the relevant bank information and click the Save Changes button.
Manage your cookie preferences
You can manage cookie preferences if you are a Seller, Buyer, or Advertiser.
Navigate to your dashboard. From the LH menu, select Profile>Cookie Preferences.
You can set your preferences for the following:
View and respond to messages
You can view and respond to messages as a Seller by navigating to the Seller Dashboard, LH menu, Profile>Messages. Once a message is sent from a buyer to a seller, you be able to see messages and respond to them here:
Note: Messages for a buyer account are managed under the General module. There is no message submodule for the advertiser account.
Viewing and managing your account credits
You can view transactions and add credits to your wallet as a Seller, Buyer, or Advertiser. Purchased credits can only be used for advertising on watersorted. For more information about setting yourself up as an advertiser and adding money to your wallet, refer to the Overview of advertising article.
Note: To access credits from the Buyer dashboard, expand the General module. The same information is shown for any dashboard profile, but credits are only purchased for advertising purposes.
Manage your home address
As a buyer, you can update your home/delivery address, so your purchases are sent to the correct location.
If you need to update your delivery address, navigate to the Buyer Dashboard, LH menu, Profile>Manage Addresses.
What next?
If you need help with your profile/user account, check out these other articles: