You can manage your booking yourself from your Wecandoo account.
You can choose to put your booking on hold, with a view to choosing a new date later, or immediately.
You can change your upcoming workshop by converting your booking into a gift card, if you find one that suits you better.
Finally, you can request a full cancellation of your booking.
➡️ These solutions are only available if you meet the cancellation deadline (more than 4 days before the workshop). Requests made within 4 days of the workshop will be considered on a case by case basis.
Here's how to manage your booking yourself.
1. Log into your account from this link, using your email address.
2. If you don't remember your password, you can reset it by clicking on "Forgotten password". You will need to re-enter your email address and a link to reset your password will be emailed to you.
3. Once logged into your account, click on your name in the top right hand corner. A menu will appear.
4. Click on 'My workshops'. You will find your workshops presented in a table. You will have several options to manage your booking, depending on its status: modify your booking (change the date), reschedule your booking, put your booking on standby (if you are not available on the scheduled date), ask to cancel your booking... And follow the instructions!
5. You will receive a confirmation email to your account email 😀 (be careful: if you created an account via Facebook, your Facebook email address will be used).
The "pending" status of your booking has no time limit. You can take as long as you like to reschedule your workshop.
🗓️ No dates available or convenient for you? You can suggest a date to the artisan by visiting the page for the workshop in question. Clicking on 'Book a time slot' will bring up a 'Suggest a date' link at the bottom of the page.
From the 'View Dates' button you can also sign up for email alerts and we will send you an email as soon as new slots come online (up to 3 reminders), or as soon as a previously full event becomes available (due to participants changing their booking)!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via our chatbox or by email at
See you soon!
Wecandoo team