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How do administrators use a Shared Assessment?
How do administrators use a Shared Assessment?

Shared assessments allow an administrator to create and share a common assessment with teachers in their school or district.

Becky Mack avatar
Written by Becky Mack
Updated over 2 months ago

Shared assessments in Writable allow a school or district administrator to create and share an assessment with teachers on their license. Shared assessments have features that make them different from other assignments in the app and can help streamline the assessment process.

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Benefits of Using a Shared Assessment

Shared assessments can only be edited by the owner which ensures all teachers are using district-approved content and rubrics. Shared assessments also prevent version control issues that arise when administrators want to make changes to an assessment. Shared Assessment features include:

  • Assessment Consistency: Shared assessments are used to ensure that all students are given the same assignment. As teachers give out the assessment and students complete it, data for both completion and performance are tracked.

  • Progress Check: Admins can see how many teachers have assigned the assessment, how many classes and students they’ve assigned it to, and what percent have completed the assessment.

  • Get Share Link: Send a link to the assessment to other teachers or admins on your team via email.

  • Report: Student performance across all classes, by the teacher, or by the individual student, is visible for administrators. You can also sort data by standard, skill, or category. (Read more about Reports here.)

Tip! Administrators can also set up Team Grading on a shared assessment to distribute grading across teachers.

Create a Shared Assessment

Before you get started, make sure you’re an administrator for your school or district Writable license.

1. Create your assignment or use one of our existing assignments and edit it to fit your needs. (Read more about customizing existing assignments and creating assignments.)

2. Find and click on the assignment you want to turn into a shared assessment under 'My Assignments'.

3. Click 'More'.

4. Click 'Create Shared Assessment'.

5. Choose options for AI Feedback and AI Grading. Administrators can choose to disable AI Suggested Comments and Scores available for teachers.

Note: AI Feedback and AI Grading must be enabled on your district's license. For more information, click here.

6. Check the settings you wish to apply for all assessment users. Click here to read more about each of the options in assignment settings.

Share an Assessment with Teachers

Option 1: Share Directly with Teachers

1. While creating your shared assessment, you'll have the option to select which teachers you'd like to share it with. Check the box by all teachers you want to share the assessment with.

Note: There are a few ways to search and choose teachers:

  1. Search by teachers' names

  2. Check the box next to individual teachers

  3. Click on a school to expand a list of all teachers at that school to 'Select All'

2. Then click 'Update' to finish creating the assessment and share it.

3. Now the shared assessment will be listed on selected teachers' 'My Assignments' page, noted by a small lock icon.

3. To assign to their classes, teachers will click the assessment and then click 'Assign'.

Teachers can also use the 'Get Share Link' option to share a link to the assessment with students directly.

Option 2: Share Using My District

If you'd like to distribute the shared assessment to your entire district, or include it in a Journey of other assignments, follow these steps to publish it to 'My District'.

1. From the 'My Assignments' page, click 'My Journeys.'

2. To create a new Journey click '+ Journey' in the top right corner.

Note: You can also add assignments to an existing Journey by clicking the pencil icon and following the steps below.

3. Enter a name if you are creating a new Journey. Then, check the boxes next to the assignment(s) or shared assessments you would like to add. Then click 'Create.'

4. Click the arrow icon for the Journey to share with the district.

5. Select the grade level(s) and genre for this Journey. You can also write a description. Click 'Publish' when you are ready.

Tip! Journeys published to 'My District' will be accessible by all teachers on the license. Use grade levels and genres in the title of the Journey to help teachers navigate which assignments they should be using.

❗ Note: Please email with any questions you have about setting up a school or district assessment in Writable.

If you’re not sure you’ve set up your assessments correctly, we can help you with that but please reach out before students begin to work on them. Otherwise, changes may not be possible.

Checking Progress on a Shared Assessment

Add in new screenshots, export, and calculation of %ages.

Once you have set up and shared your Assessment, you can check to see which teachers have assigned it and how many of their students have completed the assessment.

1. To check on progress, click the Assessment from your 'My Assignments' page.

2. Click the 'Progress Check' link.

3. Here you will see which teachers have assigned the shared assessment. The report shows the percentage of their students who have completed it and percentage graded of those submissions. If a shared assessment includes multiple sections (ex. graphic organizer, extended response), only sections set for grades to be included in the overall score will show as completed. You can also choose to export data to .csv.

4. Exported data will provide the same data as the progress check report.

Note: Administrators can view student writing on any shared assessment or assignment using these directions.

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