Below, find a breakdown of the different booking form sections that relate to your pricing and see what displays where.
Choose Service Type Section
Create/Edit your Service Categories in Settings > Services > Service Categories
If you offer different types of services like residential and commercial, you can create service categories. With service categories enabled, the customer first selects a category, and then only those services assigned to the category will display in the next section.
Please note: If you plan to use service categories, you will need to create individual services for each category, you cannot have the same service assigned to multiple categories, as the price will not change.
Click for more detail about Service Categories
Click here to view a doc dedicated to setting up pricing with service categories
Choose your Service Section
Create/Edit your Services in Settings > Services > Services
Create/Edit your Pricing Parameters in Settings > Services > Pricing Parameters
This is the area where any active Services will display to the customer.
The first drop down will always show Services created inside the account
For more details about Service creation, click here
Additional drop downs in this section represent automatic multipliers to the price like bathrooms, sq. feet, etc. These are set up inside the Pricing Parameter page inside the account.
Select Extras Section
Create/Edit your Extras in Settings > Services > Extras
This area will display any Extras created (optional add ons) that the customer can select for their booking
Extras only display based on the service they are linked
If the price of an Extra should change based on the size of the home you can create multiple Extras for the same add on, then link to the individual service it should display with.
Example: Deep clean $50 -assigned to 1 bedroom service
Deep clean $100-assign to 2 bedroom service
Deep Clean $150- assign to 3 bedroom service
Now depending on the service selected, the cost of the add on increases based on the size of the home
Check this doc out for more details about Extras
How Often Section
Create/Edit your Frequencies in Settings > Services > Frequencies
If you would like to offer a discount for recurring bookings, you can create Frequencies.
For more details on creating Frequencies, click here