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General information and FAQs about the Casper test

42 articles
Can I Retake My Casper Test?
Casper Test Format & Length
Casper Test Rules
How Long is a Casper Score Valid?
How the Casper Test is Scored
How to Start Your Casper Test
ID Number Requirements
Prepare for Your Casper Test
Quartile Score
Spelling / Grammatical Mistakes
Support Materials
System Requirements & Practice Test
Webcam & Microphone Requirements
What can I do during optional breaks?
Where to Take Your Casper Test
Will I Receive My Casper Score?
Video Response Section Tips
What is the Casper test used for?
What does Casper measure?
Why is there a video response format in Casper?
Is there a dress code for Casper video response format?
How can I prepare for the Casper video response section?
I belong to a visible minority group/speak English as a second language and am uncomfortable with the potential bias present in this method of assessment. Can you guarantee this bias will not affect my application?
Can I review my video prior to submitting my responses?
What if I am unhappy with my video response?
What should I do if I experience unanticipated interruptions during my test (e.g. fire alarm, a person, etc.)?
How reliable are Casper scores?
What does it mean to place in a specific quartile? Why did I score in a particular quartile?
How does sharing quartiles with applicants affect the application process?
How can I improve, should I need to take the Casper again?
Can I have my test re-scored?
Can I receive my quartile score for past completed Casper test for previous admission cycles?
My Casper quartile score for one of my Casper tests is different from another, what does this mean?
Where can I find research materials on Casper?
What should I do when I am not able to upload/submit my video response?
How do I report a technical issue during my test?
What should I do if I have a technical issue during my test?
What should I do on my test day?
I am applying to a program that accepts English or French Casper tests. Can I send my score from both?
Why are webcams and microphones mandatory?
How do I reserve my test?
Can I reschedule my test?