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General FAQ
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19 articles
Where can I use the app?
Is Alive compatible with Apple Watch or Fitbit?
I found a bug in the app, what should I do?
Where can I log the weights I used in my workout?
What can I do if I don't have all the gym equipment needed for a workout?
Music Playing with Alive
What is a MYO Rep?
What is the best program to train Abs?
What is the best program for Weight-loss?
What equipment do I need?
Which programs offer an At-home option?
How do I know if total reps is for each side, or total?
What is progressive overload and why does it work?
Why can I not skip forward or backward within the Pregnancy Program?
Do I need to do the Warm-Up and Cool down each workout?
Which program should I start with?
Can I customize my own program?
End of Year Recap
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