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The Teacher Dashboard

Easily navigate between libraries you've created or joined, and access new teacher resources

Dan Kemp avatar
Written by Dan Kemp
Updated over a month ago

The Teacher Dashboard is accessed by clicking the 3 line menu icon on the far left of the toolbar, next to the name of the library you are currently in.

The dashboard looks like this:

You'll see five tabs here - Libraries, Discover, Learn, Certification and Apps.


  • My Libraries - libraries that you've created, plus your private My Books library.

  • Shared with me - libraries that are owned by other people, that you've joined with their invite code.

You can click on a library to go to it, and use the buttons to create a new library or join someone else's library.
Notice that you can access your Archived Libraries with the Archived dropdown menu. You'll also see a 'What's New' link in the Libraries tab, highlighting the latest feature updates to Book Creator.

Click on the avatar icon in the top right of the toolbar to access more information and sign out of Book Creator.


  • Curated books/libraries

  • Example books by grade/subject

  • Supercharge your Book Creator lessons - our series of published ebooks, focusing on using Book Creator in the classroom

Download a one page explanation to share online or to print for the staffroom.




Teacher Dashboard in Book Creator for iPad

On the iPad, the Teacher Dashboard looks slightly different. As you can't access other libraries, all you'll see are the bookshelves that you've created on your iPad. There is also a link to our Teacher Resources and Support articles, where you can find the resources available above.

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