Did you know you can view your complete booking history on ClassCover? You can even filter based on jobs that you booked, declined, and didn’t book. This feature allows you to quickly see:
Jobs you have been successfully booked for.
Jobs you were invited to but did not get booked for.
Jobs you chose to decline.
How to Use the Bookings History Filters
Access the Bookings History Screen:
Open the ClassCover app and go to the Requests Tab.
Select Filters:
At the top of the screen, you’ll see filter buttons: Booked, Not Booked, and Declined.
Tap on a filter to activate it (it will be coloured when active). Tap again to deactivate it (it will turn white).
You can select one or multiple filters to customise your view.
View Your Filtered Bookings:
Scroll down to see your bookings based on the filters you selected.
Bookings you haven’t replied to will appear in any filter option you select.
Clear All Filters:
If you deselect all filters, only bookings that haven’t been replied to will appear in the list.
Selecting "Booked" and "Not Booked" will show only those bookings.
Selecting "Declined" will display only the jobs you declined.
Using these filters helps you quickly review your booking history and keep track of all job invites at a glance.