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Adding a Waitlist to Your Event

Full event? Not to worry! You can now create waitlists to keep your members flowing, even in a cancellation!

Updated over a week ago

After much anticipation, planning, and testing - We're excited to present the Waitlists feature!

The waitlist is opted into per event (or event series) and works on a "first come, first served" basis. It's super easy to use and has the potential to save you many hours of admin work in chasing up members who have expressed interest in full classes!

You can either edit an existing event or event series, or create a new event. Let's start fresh! We create an event the usual way, by clicking "+ New" and then "Add event".

Enter the fields as you would to set up an event, but take note of the "Enable waitlist for this event" - As you have probably guessed, we'll be ticking that to enable waitlists for this event. After that box is ticked, you'll be able to limit the waitlist or leave the prompt blank for unlimited number of spaces for waitlist bookings:

After you have continued and scheduled as usual - We book as usual, then when the maximum spaces fill up: The magic happens!:

Members added to a full event will be placed on the waitlist, and you will be able to see the order in which they will be offered a place. 

Currently, this is a "first come, first served" basis - so if you wish to change the order, you would need to cancel them out of the waitlist using the "x" button and then rebook your waitlist into the order you desire.

You can also book people via their attendance tab: 

Where you will find this pop-up prompt if you try to book into a full event: 

And the member will now have this "Waitlist" tab in their attendance tab: 

A member can also be added to the waitlist through their online member portal by logging in and selecting "Make a booking" where an event will show "Full (Waitlist Available)" if the waitlist has been enabled for that event: 

Clicking on the event will lead to the event page with a "Join Waitlist" button: 

They will then be given this notification, and the button will change to "Leave Waitlist": 

This will not appear in "My Bookings" but will show their place in the Waitlist queue on the "Make a Booking" page: 

To view the waitlist for an event at a glance, simply go to your calendar and click onto the event - It will display like this: 

When a space becomes available, the member who is next on the waitlist will receive an email to let them know they have been booked into the class.

That's all there is to it - All that's left to decide now is how you're going to use up all this newly freed up admin time!

If you have any further questions or queries, please don't hesitate to contact us at 

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