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New to Debutify Review App? We have guides to help you install and set-up the Debutify Reviews app

How Does the Free Trial Work and What Happens When It Ends?A guide on how the free Enterprise trial works and what happens at the end of the 14 days trial.
How to Change the Contact Email Address for Debutify Reviews?A guide on how to change the email address used for Debutify Reviews.
How to Customize the Debutify Reviews Widget?A guide on how to customize the Debutify Reviews widget.
How to Set up DKIM and Return-Path Records in Debutify Reviews?A guide on how to set up DKIM and Return-Path records to send emails from your own domain in Debutify Reviews.
How to Automatically Publish Reviews?A guide on how to automatically publish reviews in Debutify Reviews App.
How to Design or Edit Email Templates in the Debutify Reviews App?A guide on how to design or edit email templates using the email editor in Debutify Reviews app.
How to Send Manual Review Requests to Specific Customers?A guide on how to send manual review requests to specific customers in Debutify Reviews.
How to Show or Hide Debutify Reviews in Your Store?A guide on how to enable or disable the Debutify Reviews app too show reviews in your store.
How to Share Reviews on Social Media in Debutify Reviews App?A guide on how to enable social media sharing from Debutify Reviews App.
How to Use Variables to Customize Email Templates in Debutify Reviews?A guide on how to use variables to customize email templates in Debutify Reviews app.
How to Send Manual Review Requests for Previous Orders?A guide on how to send manual review requests for orders prior to installing Debutify Reviews
How to Contact the Debutify Reviews Support Team?A guide on how to contact the Debutify Reviews app support.
How to Add a Star Rating to the Catalog Page?A guide to adding a star rating to the catalog page
How to Customize Your Star Rating Badge?A guide on how to use the star rating customizer
How to Uninstall the Debutify Reviews app?A guide on how you can uninstall the Debutify Reviews app.
How To Change Colors in Debutify Reviews Widget?A guide on how you can change colors in the Debutify Reviews Widget.