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Chip Explained - Getting Started
Getting to know the basics
What is Chip?
Deposits Explained
Withdrawals Explained
What is Open Banking?
About our Payments Providers
Why we need a card and bank connection
Why does my connected card need to match my linked bank account?
Card connection test transaction
Does Chip charge a fee?
Why have I been charged £5.99?
Recurring deposits explained
What is ChipX?
Goals Explained
Can I switch off email save notifications?
Is it safe to share my personal details over live chat?
Can I add a credit card?
Can I connect more than one bank account?
Can I change my linked bank account?
Will Chip affect my credit rating?
Make the most out of ChipX
Acceptable Behaviour Policy
The Chip Glossary
Manual Bank Deposit FAQ
Tracker rates explained
WealthScore Explained
How we protect your money
How we protect your data
Referrals and Promotions at Chip