This article is a quick look at what you can see and do when you're a coach in iQualify. We've tried to keep this as a one-page overview, so we've included links out to more information throughout if you need it.
Courses within iQualify can have their own specific setups
Remember each course can be set up a little differently by the organisation or manager, so you might not see exactly everything we've listed here.
Your role as a coach
As a coach you can review and mark learner assessments and provide feedback. A coach also has access to the course content in the same way a learner does. You will receive notifications when you are allocated to mark or give feedback to tasks.
Unlike a facilitator, a coach cannot view Talk channels or set Pulses. As Coaches are only assigned to specific learners, they are not able to access the data associated with Pulses or Insights as it contains data on all learners in the class.
Note: If you are a coach, you will see the Pulse and Insights tiles are disabled in the Class console.
A coach can however see a summary of Pulse results and see all end of page discussions and social notes (in the same way that a learner can).
Marking and giving personalised feedback
The Marking list is a handy way to jump straight to the tasks within your course and see which tasks learners have completed. You can also see learners' previous attempts.
Notifications and monitoring
The marking is one of the ways to monitor task submissions. But you'll also get notified about certain actions.
As a coach, you will have access to the classes with individuals you are supporting as soon as you have been added. This will allow you to set up anything you require prior to learners joining. Facilitators are also able to access courses early.
Learners will not be able to access a course until the course has started.
Other help
When logged into iQualify you can access tours and our knowledge base from the Help menu.
Want to know about other areas of iQualify? See our collection on Learning with iQualify and Facilitating with iQualify collection.
Need some help with technology bits and bobs? Technology troubleshooting - Frequently asked questions has answers to common questions relating to logging in, using your browser and recording from your webcam.