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Using the coach role to support post-assessment moderation

How to use the coach role to enable easier post-assessment moderation.

Caitlin Foran avatar
Written by Caitlin Foran
Updated over 4 years ago

Moderation generally requires some sort of sharing/viewing of assessments and learner submissions. Because iQualify is an online platform, and learner evidence might live in a range of places. It's not simply a matter of printing/saving as a pdf and emailing.

While you can print individual task submissions, we suggest you use our coach role. Although the coach role was intended more for peer marking and coaching/mentoring, the way it works (coaches just see certain learners' assessments) means that it can be a simpler way to share assessments of certain learners with a moderator.

Note: At times, moderation requires reports or back and forth conversation to reach a conclusion. We recommend these activities occur and be stored outside of iQualify as we are not a system of record as such.

Managers can add one or more "coaches" to a course, choose the learners whose assessments need moderating and then the coach can pop in and see the assessments.

You can read more about the coach role in How to allocate a coach to a learner.

If you've got someone who is new to iQualify, feel free to send them our article on Coaching with iQualify to give them a helping start (of course, the Help menu is there for tours as well if they get stuck).

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