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Writing a self review as an employee
Writing a self review as an employee

In this article we show you how to get started as an employee with reviews.

Paul Kuijf avatar
Written by Paul Kuijf
Updated over a week ago

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Where do I find my reviews?

All of your reviews can be found on the "reviews" page under the "About You" tab. On this page you will find all reports that are about you as an employee. You can filter by name, date and status. To view a report, click on one of the reviews in the list and the review report will open immediately.

What does the review process look like?

Your preparation for an review may consist of the following components:

1. Prepare your self-assessment: Complete your review form and share input as soon as it is ready. You will be invited to do this by email and tasks will be created in Learned. You discuss the shared input with your coach.

2. Ask colleagues for input: If an Admin has chosen to work with 360° feedback, the idea is to ask other colleagues and/or external parties to provide you with input.

The input you receive from others may consist of the following:

3. Your coach, often your supervisor or manager, will complete the questions from the evaluation form that are intended for him or her. Your coach will automatically be asked to provide input. So you don't have to do anything for this.

4. If working with 360° feedback, you will see the task appear of asking some colleagues to provide you with input.

Completing the conversation:

5. If you chose to digitally sign the conversation when creating the review, you will find a separate "Signatures" section for this in the in an review report.

Completing an review form and asking colleagues for input

Preparing your own review

The first step is to get started preparing your own review. You will receive a notification for this and a task will appear on the home screen.

When you click on the task you are taken to a fill-in view of the review form, which can consist of different types of questions.

On the left side you'll find a table of contents with all questions you need to prepare. You can scroll through it. It also shows you which questions you haven't filled in yet.

💡 At the end of the table of content you'll find the final page to complete the review. If you've edited a question, you can than scroll to 'Complete review' to skip to the end of the review and publish your input again.

There are questions where you have to give a score, for example, for an review on the skills or KPIs from your job profile or on the company's core values. There may also be open-ended questions in the form, or questions to plan goals.

Answer all questions in the form and substantiate your scores where prompted.

💡 If Admin has enabled, when creating the cycle, that you can see your previous scores on the questions you answered in the previous review, you will see this reflected by a label ‘Previous answer’. This helps you in your preparation for the questions and you don't have to look for the old report first.

Complete KPI review questions

Your job profile may have a number of predetermined KPI's attached to it, the expected results that someone should be able to achieve with your job.

For each KPI from your job, a question is automatically generated with a custom rating scale, for example 1: 'Never' to 5: 'Always'.

You will be asked to evaluate on if, and how often you have these results. Complete the score and substantiate where necessary/possible.

Fill in skill review questions

Attached to your job profile, in addition to KPIs, are probably a number of predetermined skills, the skills an employee with your position should possess.

These skills are written out in concrete behavioral examples. The behavioral examples, appropriate to your position and level, will be loaded to evaluate on a preset scale. For example, 1: "Never" through 5: "Always.

Enter the appropriate score and substantiate where necessary/possible.

Review goals questions

There may also be some questions added to the template asking you to evaluate the goals you have been working on recently.

For this, you use the sidebar in Learned. The sidebar displays all the goals you are part of. These can be your personal goals, but also any team goals you have contributed to.

💡: Using the sidebar, you can always find information about your career, goals and historical reviews. Want to learn more about working with the sidebar in Learned? Read this article. 📚

Plan goals question

There may also be a question added to the form for you to think about your personal goals.

You will see any previously created goals reflected in this list, and you can choose to add new goals. To do so, click create new.

Here you can directly create a goal using 2 steps. All created goals can be found in the goals module of Learned.

📚 Want to learn more about working with personal goals? Then read this article.

💡 At the top of your screen on the right-hand side, you will see your progress bar. Here you can see exactly how many questions you still have to answer or whether you have already answered all the questions.

Finalizing your preparation

When you are finished, in the final screen you will see the option to share the input from your self-assessment. When you choose share input, your input will be shared in the review report and your coaches, any guests and Admins will be able to see your input.

💡 Should you prefer to sleep on it, you can choose not to share your review yet, and save it as a draft. You can also choose to save your form as a draft in the interim and share it at a later time to finalize it.

Asking colleagues for input

If Admin questions requiring colleague input added to the theme (360° feedback), the idea is to ask at least 1 colleague for input.

For this, all your colleagues can be selected, find them using the search bar.

When soliciting input from colleagues, you can view the questions asked of the other party at the bottom of the invitation.

You can also ask an external partner/client/client for feedback:

💡 Externals can write an review without creating a Learned account for this purpose. The written input will automatically be saved in the browser.

You can find the requested colleagues under the "Input from others" section where you might make changes to this. You cannot delete colleagues once they have started writing input.

Discussing and signing the review report

Discussing the report

The report will include your own preparation as well as input from your peers/coaches. Go through the questions from the sections in the report, substantiating where necessary and zooming in on specifics.

💡 If you want to edit your answers, you have the option to do so directly from the report. Hover your mouse over the answer and click the ‘Edit’ button.

You may be invited to discuss this report. During this conversation, you will have the opportunity to take any notes or determine action items (Next steps).

The summary can be found at the bottom of the report or in the left sidebar. You can use drag-and-drop to move this pop-up to your liking. In addition, all notes are saved automatically.

❗️Note: Initially, your notes are saved as drafts. You need to publish them to make them visible in the report. Publishing your notes is possible until the moment the conversation is signed.

In the same place you will find the ability to create next steps and assign them to yourself or one of the guests. These can of course be found and checked off on the next steps page in Learned.

Signing the report

If Admin has added this option to the review you, as an employee, will digitally sign the completed review report along with the invited guests.

Guests will first have to sign the report first, and then the task becomes active for you as an employee. They do this at the bottom of the report or at the top right of the taskbar.

❗️Note: After the review is signed, it is given a "Signing" status. With this, all tasks expire and nothing more can be changed to the contents of the report.

Viewing your average score (optional)

Depending on the settings of the review (cycle), an average score may be displayed at the bottom of your personal review report. In this, your coach's average score is leading. Of course, you will also see the average of all your scores displayed below it.

💡: Should you have also collected (360-degree) input from colleagues, and this colleague has given scores on all themes, you will also see these reflected in the average scores.

Click on ‘Scores per theme’ to see how this average score is structured. For example, the weighting can differ per theme. You can also compare your scores per theme with what your coach has filled in, or possibly your colleagues.

Click the arrow for a theme to see all the questions that form the score.

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