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Setting up a Temperature Check Event

You can use the Events feature to get people to scan in when they have their temperature checked on entering the hospital.

Duncan Paradice avatar
Written by Duncan Paradice
Updated over a week ago

Single Event Option

Setup one event, but make sure the start and finish times are wide enough to encompass the period you are after. So if you want the temperature logging event to last for a week or a month, select the week or month it will include (you can do as long as you like) (e.g. 900 or 1000 days or similar).

The event will log the date and time that the user scanned in.

Select the option under 'log attendance' for 'allow users to scan in multiple times'. A user can scan in to the event multiple times. So if the event is open for 1 month, they can scan in as many times as they like and the day and time will be logged next to them in the dashboard.

Download the QR Code & URL

Once the event is setup you can download the poster to get the QR code and URL. This can be printed or displayed on a screen at the entrance to the hospital or clinic.

Scan In: I don't have Med App on my phone

If a user does not have the app, no problem!

Scan the QR code using their phone's native camera app

If they don't have the app on their device it will ask them to enter their details in order to log them on the temperature check event.

They do not need to download or register in the app. The details they enter will be recorded in the app.

When you view the event details in the dashboard it will show you if they are a registered or unregistered user.

Once they have logged their details they can choose to download the app and register or not. They will still be logged in the temperature check event.

If they do register in the app they can make sure they are in the correct account see how to change locations here.

Scan In: I have Med App on my phone already

If someone already has the app they can simply scan the QR code using their phone's inbuilt camera app, or the QR code scanner inside the app.

This will automatically log their attendance in that day's temperature check event.

Note: If something goes wrong, they can always be marked off manually via the dashboard by an admin user by clicking 'mark as attending' next to that user.

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