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Livestream Event Checklist

Use this checklist to make sure you're ready for your livestream event with Bonterra's Essential Events pages.

Updated over a week ago

While Creating Your Essential Event:

  • Add the livestream URL of your Youtube or Vimeo video to your event page

  • Confirm all guest speaker attendance

  • Ask guest speakers to promote your event on their social platforms or other channels

  • Use the "invitation" feature (or send an Email Blast) to your contacts to let them know you're holding an event!

The Week of Your Event:

  • Make a test donation on your Essential Events page

  • Test your livestream and other audio or video equipment

  • Set up Text-to-Give to align with your Essential Events page, so attendees can donate to your event from their mobile phones.
    Learn more about Text-to-Give and how to use it here.

  • Create and rehearse an outline or timeline for your event

  • Email your attendees to remind them of the event

  • Add any offline donations (checks and cash) you have received to the event page

The Day of Your Event:

  • Test your livestream (yes, again!) and other audio or video equipment

  • Test your camera setup and shot to ensure visibility for attendees

  • Ensure your location has internet and that all devices being used have a stable connection

  • Assign "chat stewardship" (i.e. responding verbally to donations made in real time) to someone from your organization.
    Learn more about our attendee chat best practices here.

  • Ensure at least one "chat steward" is logged in to the event page and is responding from the Livestream Dashboard. This will put an 'Organizer' label next to their replies in the chat.

  • Email your attendees to remind them of the event. The system will automatically send attendees a reminder email with all of your event details one hour before your event.

15 Minutes Before Your Event:

  • Plug any devices being used into a stable power source

  • Turn off all other notifications and apps on the devices being used

  • Set the livestream status, found on your Livestream Dashboard, to 'Live'

Following your Event:

  • Set the livestream status, found on your Livestream Dashboard, to 'Post-Event'

  • Send an email or video acknowledgment to your attendees to thank them

  • Add any additional offline donations you received to the event page

  • Complete the post-event feedback survey that you will be receiving from Network for Good

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