There may be instances where you'd like to provide reporting or data on promo code usage, such as in a report to the board or to cross-verify RSVPs with collected payment.
There are two different ways you can report on promo code usage - we'll go over both below.
Step 1: Use the "promo code" filter in Donor Management to generate a report on promo code use.
By using this option, you can not only build a report on the use of a specific promo code, you can also select the option for "is present" from the second drop-down menu to report on the use of all promo codes that have been created.
Step 2: Export out a copy of your event's "Guest List" and review the "Promo Code" column.
The “Event Transaction Summary” report under “Reports” will include each transaction for a date range and event, along with the promo code used. This can be exported as a report or printed by using the “Export” button.
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