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Understanding Promo Codes and Complimentary Tickets
Understanding Promo Codes and Complimentary Tickets
Updated over 6 months ago

Feature Overview: Promo Codes and Complimentary Tickets

Maybe you’d like to offer an “early bird” discount price to your guests, or you’re offering free admission to students attending your upcoming event. By using our promo code feature, you can allow your participants to enter a specific code and receive their ticket for a lower cost. The promo code feature can also be used to create complimentary, or “courtesy” tickets, for guests who may be attending the event at no cost.

For organizations choosing to run an event through our Events pages, promo codes allow for you to provide discounts on certain tickets for varying lengths of time, or helps you keep track of correct ticket and attendee numbers without losing track of those attending the event for free.

Multiple promo codes can be used on a single event and can ultimately help drive the urgency of purchasing a ticket well in advance of the event - such as with either a percentage or dollar amount reduced from the ticket price. They can also serve as a way to provide VIP guests - such as those who purchased sponsorships - with complimentary tickets to the event, while still keeping an accurate head count of your anticipated attendees.

To get started, you can create your first promo code directly from the Event Overview by clicking on the "Tickets & Sponsorships" tab. By clicking on the section for "promo codes," you have the ability to determine the duration of the promo code's validity, the percentage or dollar discount off the cost of a ticket, and which tickets the promo code can be applied to.

You'll also have the ability to report on promo code usage, in addition to maintaining accurate headcounts of your guests. Within Donor Management and Fundraising Pages, you can generate reports on how promo codes are used - which in turn can help guide you in pricing and promotions when you begin planning your next event.

In the articles below, we provide you with guidance on how to add and use promo codes within your Events page, as well as specific guidance in how to use promo codes in concert with complimentary tickets. You'll also be able to review how to manage, report, and deactivate promo codes as needed for each of your upcoming events.

Feature Availability

This feature is available for all users with access to the Fundraising Essentials package with "staff"- level admin access or higher within Fundraising Pages.

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