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NEW: Auto-Syncing & Downloads with Pixlmob Hosting
NEW: Auto-Syncing & Downloads with Pixlmob Hosting
Carissa Vowels avatar
Written by Carissa Vowels
Updated this week

We're thrilled to introduce 2 new integrations to the Pixlmob platform:

When you order a project on Pixlmob, you can easily connect to Google Drive or Dropbox, select the source and destination folders, and complete your order!

Here's the best part:

By using one of these integrations,

  1. You can connect once and will not have to repeat this step for every order.

  2. You can set the permissions for the parent folder (where all your files live) once and will no longer have to set the folder permissions for each order you send to a vendor.

  3. The delivered files with AUTOMATICALLY sync to the destination folder you select!

Setting up your Integration:

For instructions on how to set up these integrations, visit these pages below:

If you utilize another cloud storage system, such as Box, One Drive, or WeTransfer, you only need to input the link where the vendors can access your raw media. Once the edits are complete, the vendor will upload the finished files to Pixlmob and you will be able to download the finished files directly from the platform as a zip folder.

Ordering a Project:

Within the order form, you'll see new options in the Assets section. You can:

  1. Connect to Drive

  2. Connect to Dropbox

  3. Provide a link for source files

Follow the same instructions above to connect the integration for Drive or Dropbox.

You will no longer enter a link for the finished files, as these will AUTOMATICALLY sync with the folder you designate or you can choose to download the files directly from Pixlmob.

Once your integration is connected, simply click into the box provided to select the folder for your raw files and again for your finished files.

Helpful tips when selecting folders:

⚠️ When the finder modal opens for you to select a folder, you can use the search bar to narrow down your results as well as reorganizing the list for a more helpful view.

⚠️ To choose a folder, click on the folder you'd like to use and then click select. If you double click or click into the folder you want to use, you will not be able to click select. [Note: Unfortunately, this is outside of our control and is determined by the originating source (either Dropbox or Drive).]

⚠️ When you are selecting the folder for your source files, you will not be able to see or select the actual files. You simply need to select the folder where the files are located.

⚠️ It is always a good practice to select 2 different folders so the finished files are not uploaded into the same folder as the raw files, to minimize confusion.

You'll then see the folders you have selected within the Assets section of the order form:

Accessing your finished files

If you utilized one of these new integrations, the finished files will automatically sync to the folder you designated within your order form.

Within the service details page of your project (Click on the service within your project.), you'll also see the option to "Get my Files."

  • If you designated a finished files folder in your order form, the images will sync automatically. You do not need to "Get my Files" to sync your images.

  • If you'd like to sync your files to a different folder, you can do so by clicking "Get my Files" and designating a different folder for the finished files.

  • If you are downloading your files instead of syncing to Drive or Dropbox, you can do so by clicking "Get my Files."


What is Pixlmob Hosting?

Pixlmob Hosting is a feature where the customer can choose to have the finished files delivered within Pixlmob. (The vendor will upload the files directly to Pixlmob.) By enabling this option (which is the default) within the order form, the customer can take advantage of our robust Revision Ticket system and also utilize our integrations to sync files to Drive or Dropbox as well as select files to order AI Clips.

What should I do if my files did not sync?

Select "Get my files" to sync the files again or to download them to your device.

What should I do if the vendor did not upload all of my files?

You should Request Revisions.

Important Note: The vendor is unable to upload additional files to an order after it has been delivered unless you Request Revisions.

Can I delete files from Pixlmob?

No, once uploaded to Pixlmob, files cannot be deleted by customers or vendors.

You can review our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service for more details.

Can I change the order of the images in Pixlmob?

The images cannot be re-ordered into a different configuration at this time.

Can I rename the files within Pixlmob?

Yes, you can rename a file by clicking the menu (3 dots in the right top corner of the image).

Can I share the files with my customer (the real estate agent) directly from Pixlmob?

No, only those with your Pixlmob credentials will be able to view or access the files within your Pixlmob projects.

Are vendors required to upload finished files to Pixlmob?

If you enable Pixlmob hosting, yes - all vendors will be required to deliver work through Pixlmob.

What if I don't use Dropbox or Drive?

You will still be able to provide a link where the vendor can access the raw media.

Once the vendor uploads and delivers the finished media in Pixlmob, you'll be able to download it from our platform.

Do you integrate with any other cloud storage systems?

  • At this time, we've built integrations with Dropbox and Drive and are hoping to add more in the coming weeks.

  • If you have a suggested integration, you can let us know by completing this form.

How does auto-syncing work?

  • When you designate a Dropbox or Drive folder for your finished files, Pixlmob will automatically sync the media to the folder once the vendor delivers it in Pixlmob.

  • The files will not sync until the order is marked as delivered.

  • Any revised files will also sync to a new sub-folder within the destination folder.

Can I still request revisions even after the files have synced?

  • Yes, you can request revisions within 3 days of when the files are delivered.

  • After 3 days, the project will be automatically approved and the revision window will close.

  • Any revised files uploaded to Pixlmob by the vendor will automatically sync to your designated destination folder.

How does the integration work?

  • When you set up the integration with Drive and/or Dropbox, you will be asked to give Pixlmob permission to access and edit the folders within your account.

  • Vendors will no longer access your cloud storage system.

  • Pixlmob will sync the finished files to your designated folder, instead of the vendor uploading directly to your folder.

  • You will not be able to upload raw files directly to Pixlmob, although we hope to develop that feature soon.

Vendors can learn more about their new process here.

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