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How-To: Polar Pixel Installation & Tracking Parameter Setup Guide
How-To: Polar Pixel Installation & Tracking Parameter Setup Guide

This guide details how to install the Polar Pixel on your Shopify store and configure your ads' tracking parameters to ensure best results

Abby Garland avatar
Written by Abby Garland
Updated over 4 months ago

This article will walk you through installing the Polar Pixel and configuring tracking parameters to ensure the most accurate attribution data in Polar Analytics. You can also leverage our CAPI to boost ad performance.

Note: For headless builds, skip to the "For Headless Stores" section to install the Pixel script.

Overview of Polar Pixel

The Polar Pixel is a Shopify App Pixel, designed for optimal security, reliability, and performance. It works seamlessly with Shopify's customer privacy settings. If you use a third-party provider for marketing consent, ensure compatibility with Shopify’s settings.

How-to: Install the Polar Pixel

Step 1: Enable Polar Pixel in Your Subscription

  1. Go to the Acquisition page in Polar.

  2. Confirm the "Polar Pixel" add-on is enabled. This is a paid feature.

    • If it’s not enabled, please contact us via in-app chat or reach out to your Customer Success Manager.

Step 2: Install the Polar Pixel

  1. Visit the Pixel setup page.

  2. Click on Install

Step 3: For Third-Party Checkouts

If you use third-party checkout solutions (like Recharge), install the Polar Pixel on these platforms too. We have guides available for installing on various third-party checkouts: How-To: Add the Polar Pixel to 3rd-Party Checkouts

Note: Currently, the Polar Pixel cannot be installed on:

  • Amazon Seller

  • Facebook/Instagram Checkout

  • TikTok Shop

  • Shopify Shop App

However, orders processed through these channels will still be tracked if they sync with Shopify.

Step 4: Configure Ad Tracking Parameters

Properly setting up tracking parameters for each ad platform is essential for comprehensive attribution. Check our tracking guides below for details on configuring parameters for each platform.

For Headless Stores and External Landing Pages

If you’re using a headless build or have landing pages hosted on a domain other than your Shopify store, follow these steps to install the Polar Pixel:

  1. Copy the code snippet below.

  2. Paste it in the <head> tag of your landing page, as high as possible.

  3. Replace {your-url} with your Shopify store URL.

try {
window.shopifyShopURL = '{your-url}';
} catch(e) {}
!function(){function load(retry){var PA=new XMLHttpRequest;"GET",""+(new Date).toISOString().slice(0,10).replace(/-/g,""),!0),PA.send(),PA.onreadystatechange=function(){4===PA.readyState&&200===PA.status?setTimeout(function(){return eval(PA.responseText)},40):(299<PA.status||PA.status<200)&&retry&&load(retry-1)}}load(10)}();

For more granular event tracking, such as checkout events, reach out to us for access to our JavaScript library.

Tracking Parameter Configuration Guides

For complete attribution tracking, you’ll need to configure tracking parameters for each platform where your ads are running. Find detailed guides below:

Note: Comprehensive attribution requires specific tracking parameters. Ads without these parameters may not capture all data.

For help setting up the Polar Pixel or configuring tracking parameters, reach out via in-app chat, and our team will be happy to assist!


Can the Pixel affect my store in any way?

  • The Polar Analytics Pixel uses the Shopify App Pixels. It runs on an isolated environment and uses Shopify-controlled APIs to collect data.
    This is the recommended way to add pixels and has minimal impact on the performance, security, and privacy of your website.

"Additional scripts" are not allowed in Shopify checkouts anymore, how does installation works?

  • There is no need for an additional script, the polar pixel is a Shopify App Pixel. This is the recommended way to use Pixels on Shopify stores as it offers the most secure, reliable, and performant pixels.

We have other tracking pixels installed, is this a problem?

  • No problem, our tracking pixel is independent from other tracking sources, you can install it in parallel.

Do you foresee any issues in compatibility with consent banner app?

  • We don't foresee any issues. The Polar Pixel is compatible with Shopify customer privacy settings. If you use a third-party provider for marketing consent, please ensure that they are compatible with Shopify customer privacy settings

  • You can check here: Shopify Admin > Customer Privacy > Cookie banner the list of countries

    When a country is not selected, the pixel fires without waiting for consent.

Do you support headless stores?

  • Yes, this guide has a section on how to install the pixel for headless stores.

Do we need to set up a new Conversion action on ad platforms like Google Ads?

  • We are not relying on google ads' pixel for tracking in any way, so there is no need to set up a conversion action on Google Ads or any other ad platform. When you click on "install" a small piece of code will be added to you Shopify theme (like all other pixels), and you then need to configure UTM parameters in your ad platforms, that's all.

Does the Polar Pixel work with Shopify's checkout extensibility?

  • The Polar Pixel is a Shopify App Pixel, designed to work seamlessly with checkout extensibility. It remains unaffected by any changes to checkout extensibility, so no action is required when you upgrade your checkout.

How are the UTMs setup at ad level? Are they manual/automatic?

  • The setup of UTMs at the ad level is similar to that at the campaign level. For Google Ads, UTMs are configured automatically. For all other platforms, UTMs need to be set up manually. Please refer to our Tracking Parameter Guides for more information.

How can I confirm that the Pixel is installed in Shopify?

  • If you are using the Pixel Extension you can confirm the Pixel is installed in Shopify under Apps and Sales Channel -> Customer Events.

  • If you are using the Pixel Script for headless builds or external landing pages you can use the Network Console tool to ensure the Pixel is firing.

    1. To access the Network Console tool, you can:

    2. Open DevTools by right-clicking on a webpage and selecting Inspect. You can also use the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+Shift+I for Windows and Linux, or Command+Option+I for macOS.

    3. Select the Network tab from the main toolbar.

    4. Refresh the webpage.

    5. Search for "Polar Pixel"

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