Updating your call status dispositions from your dialer into REISift ensures your records are accurate and up-to-date. This allows you to easily follow up leads since their property status will be updated and phone status marked as correct and allows you to accurately see who you are NOT reaching.
We have direct integrations with Calltools, Readymode, smrtDialer, Launch Control, and Smarter Contact. If you're on our Business Plan, you can receive these updates automatically. For more information on integrations please see: Integrations Overview.
If you need to update previous dispositions, or are on our Professional plan, the guide below will show you how to prepare your file for uploading so you can update your records. A downloadable CSV template is also available to simplify the process.
Download CSV Guide Here: Uploading Dialer Dispositions Template
Step 1: Export Call Dispositions from Your Dialer
Begin by exporting your call dispositions from your dialer. The exported file should include at minimum:
property address with separate columns for street, city, state, and zip
call disposition or status (e.g., New Lead, Not Interested, Wrong Number, etc.).
phone number that was dispositioned
If you are able to export notes, you can also include the notes. Names are not required but you can include the first and last name in the export if you like.
Tip: If possible, try exporting each disposition from your dialer so that you have one csv for New Lead, one for Not Interested, etc. It will be easier to work with.
Step 2: Prepare Your CSV File
Using the provided CSV template, format your data to align with REISift requirements.
The template includes columns for the following:
Dispositions Reaching the Homeowner:
Examples: New Lead, Not Interested, Listed, Buyer, Sold.
These dispositions require updates to both the property status and the phone status.
Status: Correct
Property Status: Update according to the disposition (e.g., New Lead).
If your exported file only lists dispositions (e.g., "Not Interested"), add a new column labeled "Phone Status" and fill it with "Correct."
Dispositions Not Reaching the Homeowner:
Examples: Wrong Number, Do Not Call (DNC).
These dispositions only require updates to the phone status:
Phone Status for Wrong Number: Wrong
Phone Status for DNC: DNC
If the export from your dialer includes notes, include these in the "Notes" column of the CSV then map to the Notes field on upload. This is optional but allows you to add any notes from your callers into the property message board in REISift.
Including the first and last names is optional. You can update data using just the property address and phone number.
Custom Property Statuses can also be created and uploaded if you would like to upload to a different status than what is listed. To update a custom property status, first create the property status in your REISift account, then include the name exactly as it is listed in your account, in the csv under the status column.
For more on creating custom property statuses check out: Custom Statuses Overview
Step 3: Upload the File to REISift
This article is mainly for updating existing records already in your REISift account. If these are new records please see: Uploading New Records.
To update the existing records, click upload file towards the bottom right of your account. Select Update Data. For the dispositions where you reached the owner: New Lead, Not Interested, Listed, Buyer, Sold, select the option Updating Property Status. On the mapping step, be sure to map the property address, phone number, property status column, phone 1 (phone number column), phone status 1 (phone status: Correct column), and notes if available.
When uploading Wrong Number or DNC, select the option Tagging Existing Properties under Update Data. This is a general update by property address upload option. Map the property address, phone 1 (phone number column), and phone status 1 (phone status: Correct column).
On the last step of upload, please review all information to ensure it is correct, with the correct mapping.
Under mapping, the name on the left is the name of the column in the CSV you are uploading. The name on the right is the field it will be mapped to in REISift. If you see that any information is not correct or if you need to correct the mapping, select the back arrow towards the bottom of the page or select the steps from the left side of the upload window.
Note: all fields marked Required must be mapped in order for you to finish the upload.
Once you've confirmed all information is correct, click Finish Upload. After the upload processes, any records that were in your account will be updated.
If there are any "Not Uploaded" records, this typically means that the property address does not exist in your account or it does not match an address in your account.
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