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Uploading New Records

How to upload new property records

Dianna avatar
Written by Dianna
Updated over a month ago

In this article we'll show you how to upload your first list, or upload new property records to your REISift account. If you need more help prepping your file for upload, check out How to Prepare Your Files for Uploading.

Your file must be saved as a csv file in order to upload. To upload a file, click Upload File on the bottom left of your REISift account in the sidebar.


On upload you have the option to Add data or Update data. If this is your first upload, or if your file contains any new property addresses, select Add Data.

Update data updates existing records only. It does not add new properties. Any time the csv may contain new property addresses, upload using Add data. Add data and adding to a new or existing list will add any new property records and update existing records with new lists, tags, phone numbers, statuses, or notes/messages.

For more information on whether to select to add or update data, you can click inside the upload window or watch Difference between Update Data and Add Data in the Help Center.

What Are You Going to Add?

If the list name has already been created in your account select Uploading records to an existing list.

If this is your first upload and you don't have any lists, or the list you want to upload to does not exist yet, select Uploading a new list not in REISift yet.

Let's Stay Organized

Enter when and where the list was purchased or pulled from.

If the data was already skip traced. Select Yes, data contains phone numbers and select or enter in where it was skip traced. Next, toggle to state you know when the numbers were skip traced and enter a date. This date is used to apply the skip tracing status to records after upload.

If no date is selected, the skip tracing status will be never. If you do not know the exact date but still want your records to show has previously skip traced, select an approximate date.

Why is this important? Tracking when and where you purchased records allows you to see how many times the property is appearing when you pull your date. Tracking when and where you skip trace the records allows you to see a history of where you skip traced, so if you don't find results, you can skip trace using another source. For more on why we track this information please see Setup Step: Answering the "Lets stay Organized" Questions on Upload

Associate Data with List

Select or enter the list name you want to upload the records to.

Data Requirements

The data requirements show the columns required for mapping. If you do not have the mailing address, you can still upload. Just create new columns for the mailing address and map the empty columns on the mapping step. These records will be located under the incomplete tab after uploading. For more on Incomplete records please see Clean vs. Incomplete Data

Add tags

You'll see auto tags generated based on the information you provide under the Let's stay organized section. You can also add any custom tags you like.

Auto Tags

Auto tags are automatically created to improve your data management. You'll see auto tags for when and where you purchased the list and when and where the records were skip traced if you provide this information on the first step of upload.

If you do not want to use the auto tags, you can remove them by clicking the x to the right of the tag name.

Custom Tags

You can add any custom tags you want on upload. Select or type in the tag you want to use and click Add

Adding Tags from your csv:

Tags can also be added to your records by creating a Tags column in your csv document and mapping it to the tags field. Add the tags you want to use in the tags column, separated by commas. On the Map the Columns step of upload, drag the tags column on the left to the tags section on the right.

Upload the file

To upload, drag and drop the file or click to browse your computer. Files must be saved as a csv in order to upload.

Map the columns

After uploading, map the columns you want to include on the upload. We can automap some columns based on the column headers. The columns can also be manually mapped by dragging and dropping.

All required fields must be mapped in order to move to the next step.

When uploading your csv file you will need to have column headers for each item listed in the Data Requirements section shown below.

These items are required when adding new data. If you are updating data, the data requirements will change depending on what you want to update. Just be sure you are checking the data requirements section and creating column headers for each requirement as shown here.

You can still upload your data even if you do not have all the information listed, as long as you have all required column headers. For example, if you don’t have the property zip code, you can still upload your data.

The csv file above will still upload as long as you have required column headers. These headers are how REISift maps the data.

Helpful tip: If you have the property or mailing street address, state, and zip code, REISift will populate the city. If you have the property or mailing street address, city, and state, the zip code will populate.


Always review your upload!

The most important section to review is your mapping. The names on the left are the column names from your csv file, the names on the right are the sections you have mapped these columns to. Check each name and make sure you have mapped correctly.

Reviewing the mapping step here can help prevent mistakes like mapping a name or address to the tags, list, or phone tags column and potentially save you hours of account clean up time!

Once you verify everything is correct, click Finish Upload to upload your csv.

Note: if you see another step after review, it means you have reached your upload limit. For more information on upload limits, check out Upload Limits & How to Purchase Additional Space

Tracking Upload Progress

You can track the progress of your upload from the Activity -> Upload section of your account. Once the upload is complete you can view a breakdown of the records that were added.

Upload Statuses:

  • Enqueued - your upload is in line to be processed

  • Processing - we are actively processing the file you uploaded

  • Complete - your upload is finished and you should begin seeing the records in your account

  • Failed - failed status is usually due to including data in an invalid format, for example including names in a field we're expecting a date for. For more on failed upload status and how to fix, please see Failed Upload Status Explained

Upload Breakdown:

  • Total Records - total number of records or rows in your csv

  • New Records - amount of new addresses added

  • Updated Records - amount of existing records updated on upload

  • Duplicates Ignored - this is the number of duplicate property addresses located in the batches processed on upload. We will create 1 record per unique property address.

  • Not Uploaded - not uploaded could mean your csv has blank rows, there's no property address for this row, or you reached your upload limit. See Why are there "Not Uploaded" Records for troubleshooting Not Uploaded records.

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