TeachKloud for Childminders

Get started with TeachKloud in 3 easy steps

Updated over a week ago

Childminder, welcome to TeachKloud! We're glad you're here.

How does TeachKloud work?

TeachKloud has 3 apps that work together to support you:

  1. The Management Web App (accessed via any device with access to a web browser like Chrome). You must create a management web account, before using the app.

  2. The Childminder App (downloaded to your phone/tablet via the Apple App Store or Android Play Store)

  3. The Parent App (parents are invited via the management web app and can download the app to their phone/tablet)

Get Started:

  1. Step 1: Create your Management web account here. We strongly recommend using Chrome web browser.

  2. Step 2: Download the childminding app called TEACHKLOUD: CHILDCARE APP via the Apple App Store or Android Play Store. Log in using the email/password, you used to create the web account.

  3. Step 3: Watch the video below to learn how to get the most out of TeachKloud

Please find helpful articles/videos that you may find useful:

Remember, all of our help articles are here.

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