Campaigns 101

Our comprehensive guide covering everything you need to know to create, customize, and launch campaigns, expanding your outreach.

Updated over a week ago

In the world of Bonzo, Campaigns serve as powerful tools to nurture prospects, drive conversions, and maintain your business's presence. Here, we’re going to show you how to set up your campaigns, and get them firing.

Access & Create Campaigns:

  1. Navigate to the "Campaigns" section from the general tab. Here you'll find a list of your existing campaigns.

  2. You can organize your campaigns into folders for quick and easy sorting, simply click on the "Options" drop down and then select "Add Folder." After naming your folder it will appear on your campaigns page and you can edit or create campaigns directly in the folder by clicking the "+" to the far right of the folder name.

  3. Click on the prominent pink button labeled "Create Campaign" at the top of your screen.

  4. You'll then give your campaign a name and choose between two types: Day Based or Date Based.

    In a Day Based campaign, events are triggered on consecutive days from when the prospect joins the campaign. This is ideal for sequences like "Converting New Leads."

    On the other hand, Date Based campaigns trigger events on specific dates, regardless of when the prospect joins. These are perfect for time-sensitive campaigns like "Open House" or "Holiday Party" promotions.

To learn more about the different types of campaigns, click the box below.

4. Once you select your Campaign type and name it, click the pink Create button!

Design Your Campaign

  1. Once the type is selected, you can create a new campaign from scratch, copy an existing one, generate a campaign with our AI companion Spark, or import a template!

Start from Scratch: begin with a blank canvas and create the structure of your campaign from the ground up. Add days, events, and content to flesh out your campaign.

Copy an Existing Campaign: use an existing campaign that you've already created as a framework for a new campaign. Essentially this will duplicate an existing campaign, allowing you to repurpose what you've already created.

Generate Campaign: using Spark, Bonzo's AI companion, you can create a campaign based on criteria like the goal, style, number of sending days, number of events per day, etc.

To learn more about Templates or AI Generated Campaigns click the boxes below.

Import Template: choose from one of Bonzo's pre-created campaigns, designed by loan officers for loan officers. You are able to preview a template by clicking on the eye button in the box below it.

  • Once you are previewing this template, you can choose to Import or Go Back to Templates at the top right corner.

  • We have two different Campaign tabs; Converting or Nurturing. You can toggle between tabs on the far right.

  • All of these are fully customizable to be able to fit your needs!

Once you have selected one of the options listed above, you are now ready to customize and/or edit your campaign.

Customize Your Campaign

When it comes to crafting your campaigns, the main editing screen is where the magic happens. Here, you'll define the sequence of personalized touch-points—or campaign events, as we call them—that you'll have with your prospects throughout the campaign. These events encompass various communication methods like SMS, MMS, email, and voicemails; as well as internal tasks.

Add Days

  1. Click on the (+) icon next to "Days" to add days to your campaign. The number of days you add will determine the overall length of your campaign.

    For Day Based campaigns, a new prospect will begin on Day 1 and move consecutively through the days based on the cadence you've established.

    For Date Based campaigns, since these days are tied to specific dates, a new prospect will begin based on when you dropped them into the campaign and will move consecutively through the days until the culminating end date.

  2. You can change the order of days by clicking on the day and editing the Events "Day" field. Thus, you can establish a unique cadence for your campaign that meets your specific needs.

Adding Events

  1. To add a campaign event, simply click on the desired day, then hit the plus sign in the top right corner, and select the type of event you'd like to create.

  2. You can include multiple events per day, but it's essential to maintain a balance and avoid overwhelming your prospects. Keep your messages concise, compelling, and contextual to maximize engagement.

Tasks are internal events that allow you to create action items for you and your team. To learn more about Tasks, click on the button below.

Editing Events:

  1. After you add Events, you can create and customize content by clicking on the actual event.

    *Notice the pink line connects the Day to the Event to the Event Content to let you know exactly which Event message you are working on.

  2. For text and email events, you can enhance your messages with Gifs, videos, and emojis.

    Pay attention to video length recommendations, especially for MMS texts (around 20 seconds) and emails (around 2 minutes), to ensure optimal deliverability.

    The bar beneath the message field provides insights into segment length, token cost, and character count, helping you optimize your message efficiently.

To learn more about segments and tokens, click the button below.

To learn more about creating videos in Bonzo, click the button below.

Utilize Merge Tags, Delay, and Test Message

Merge Tags pull specific data points saved in a contact's profile and seamlessly place it in a content field in Bonzo. Chances are, if there is a content field in Bonzo, you can merge data with these tags into that field.

  1. Within your campaign events, you can find merge tags underneath the message field.

  2. Click on "Show more" to see a list of your merge tags.

Ultimately Merge Tags allow you to customize event messages, making them appear unique to every prospect that receives them.

To learn more about how to create custom Merge Tags, click the box below.

Delay ensures that your event messages are properly spaced throughout the day; creating a natural feel to the frequency of your outreach.

  1. Click on the Delay box located towards the bottom of your event message.

  2. You will be able to set up a timed delay for this event. This delay activates based on the last event message that's been sent. For example, the event message below will send 2 hours after the previous event message.

Delays will NOT impact cutoff-time established in your campaign settings.

Test Message allows you to send a sample message out to yourself or a team member as a preview.

Since the Merge Tags aren't being sent to a specific contact in your database it will not pull that information in when sending.

Establish Settings, Enable Campaign, and Assign Prospects

You can establish global settings for all your campaigns by clicking on the "Options" dropdown on your main Campaigns page.

You can enable specific settings for each campaign by navigating to the "Settings" button at the top right corner of your Campaign page. We will look at these settings in more detail below.

Some important campaign settings include:

  • Stop Campaign When Prospect Responds: If enabled, when a prospect responds to an event message, Bonzo will stop the rest of the automated sequence allowing you to take control of the conversation.

  • Enable Disclaimer: If enabled, allows new prospects to opt-out of messaging. Team Leads and Super Users have the ability to set these disclaimers within the "Company" tab.

  • Use a Prospects Local Timezone: If enabled, calculates cutoff start based on prospect's local timezone, pulled from area code or prospect’s state. *You can edit this feature as long as no one is assigned to the campaign.

  • Exclude National Holidays: If enabled, Bonzo will exclude event messages on these days. Scroll over (i) icon for a full list of holidays.

  • Assign Team Members: Set rules for accessing the campaign for other team members and for assigning them to prospects within the campaign.

  • Cut-off Time & Sending Days: Set cut-off times and establish days of the week when communication will be sent. *You can edit these feature as long as no one is assigned to the campaign.

  • Sender Identification: If enabled, each text message to a new prospect will contain sender identification defined in the "Company" tab.

  • Loop Campaign: Create a loop for people that don't respond to event messages campaign, either looping them back to the start OR to another campaign.

  • Tagging: Create a bulk tag that will be associated with every new prospect that is dropped into the campaign.

  • Pipeline: Connect prospects to an established Pipeline and Pipeline stage when one enters this campaign.

To learn more about individual Campaign Settings, click the button below.

Enable Campaign

Once you've established your specific Settings, you can turn on your Campaign by clicking on the toggle option in the top left.

OR by returning to your Campaign tab and clicking on the toggle option next to your Campaign name.

Assign Prospects

There are many ways to assign prospects to campaigns in Bonzo.

  1. From your People tab, simply select the contact or group of contacts you want to assign, then click on the "Move to different campaign" icon, represented by two arrows towards the left on the quick action toolbar.

  2. This action will bring up a screen displaying all your active campaigns. Choose the appropriate campaign from the list and click "Move" to assign the selected contacts to that campaign.

It's important to note that currently a contact can only be assigned to one campaign at a time.

You can also move prospects into a campaign directly from the "Import" screen.

To learn more about the Importing process, click the button below.

Campaigns stand out as one of the most powerful tools in your outreach arsenal. They enable you to craft automated message sequences across text, email, and voicemail channels, helping you drive more conversations, create more relationships, and grow your business. Within your Bonzo account, you have the flexibility to create, organize, and store unlimited campaigns tailored to your needs. Whether you're starting from scratch, leveraging our extensive template library, or tapping into Spark, Bonzo's AI Companion for custom campaign generation, the possibilities are endless.


If you are a Team Member and do not see Campaigns OR you do not see the Create Campaign button in the upper right, please reach out to your Team Lead to gain permission to do so.

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