FAQ about billing and invoices
How do I upgrade or downgrade memberships during a billing cycle?
What's the difference between linking payment and Sub Accounts?
What happens when I change prices on memberships, store items, taxes, and discounts?
Adding a Free Trial to roll right into a paid membership
What are billing cycles and intervals?
Can I force an invoice payment through?
How do I record cash payments for Memberships?
How do I add a coupon to existing membership?
Suspend, Inactive, Payment Issue, and Delete Members
Can we see future payments?
Can I set-up a multiple drop-in plan?
Can we surcharge for processing fees with Stripe?
Can I add a set-up fee for memberships?
How do I see my billing report?
How to I track ARM (Average Revenue per Member)?
Can I set-up a one-time invoice to be billed in the future?
Can I create links to purchase memberships?
Can I offer ACH payments?
How do I create a one class free trial?
How do I refund a paid invoice?
How do I prevent specific athlete's from purchasing from the store?
How do I renew an athlete's punchcard?
How do I link one payment account for multiple profiles?
How do I adjust the billing cycle date?
How do I prorate a membership?
How do I charge a New Customer?
How do I create a single Invoice?
Logging Transactions (Cash, Check, etc) Paid Outside of Stripe in Chalk It Pro
How do I pause or cancel a Membership?
Invoice 'Payment Note' visible on Invoices list
Creating a member account will auto-populate mandatory billing information fields
Can I adjust the hold end date?
How do I reactivate an expired punchcard?
Do clients need to have their billing information in the system?
Can you defer billing?
Can I offer discounts and coupons?