All Collections
Event Lead Management
Captello Quick Start Guide
Quick Guide: Setting Up Badge Scanning for Events
Syncing Captello Notes to a Contact's Timeline in HubSpot
Capture Form Stations
Captello 365
How to Set up and Use Post-Show Reconciliation With Captello
ULC Capture Forms
Assigning Event Access to Users in Bulk
How to Manually Sync/Resync Leads to CRMs/Webhooks
Does Captello integrate with WeChat?
How to Invite Users in Bulk
How can I scan business cards without an internet connection?
What is the difference between Pure AI and Human AI transcription options?
Customizing your event form
Which event providers do you integrate with?
How can I use the documents feature?
How can I download/export my leads (submissions)?
Single Sign-On (SSO)
How to Manually Edit Submissions
Can I import submissions to a form?
How to Connect Users to Switch Between Sub Accounts
How to Create Custom Fields
Where can I download Captello app for my device?
How can I use Captello if my event does not offer a developer kit?
Where do I find my Authentication Code?
An Event form isn't appearing on my device.
Troubleshooting Badge Scan Delays with Captello’s Universal Lead Capture
Using Captello while Offline
Basic Troubleshooting Tips for Scanning QR Codes and Barcodes with Captello