13 articles
Managing Products and ServicesLearn how to add and edit products and services
How to create a bundleThis article describes how to create a bundle from multiple items in your catalog
Product specificationsLearn how to manage specifications on category pages
Import products using the distributor MarketplaceLearn how to find products across connected distributors
Managing categoriesLearn how to manage your category structure
Bulk editing productsHow to change add-ons for multiple products at once
Configure add-ons for categories or productsLearn how to configure add-ons on product categories to standardise and automate your up-and cross sell items.
Setting up dynamic product pricingLearn how to configure pricing and pricing rules
Setting up Autotask billing code mappingsLearn how to configure different billing codes for product categories
Setting up roles (labour)Learn how to import roles and use them as labour items on qoutes
Category structure exampleThis article offers an example category structure for your portfolio
Setting up internal stockLearn how to synchronise your Autotask product inventory
Setting up customer discount groupsLearn how to create discount groups for specific customers