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Buy and sell investments
Buy and sell investments

Info about placing orders, order types, and investments available.

Buy investmentsPlace orders in companies and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) on Sharesies.
Sell investmentsYou can place market or limit sell orders in Australian, NZ, or US investments.
Price notificationsYou can receive a notification when an investment on your Watchlist or in your Portfolio reaches a price you set.
WatchlistSave a company or fund to your Watchlist to keep track of investments you’re interested in.
NZX market depthQuickly see if there are NZ shares available at the price you want to buy at, or if there are buyers at the price you want to sell at.
Market conduct rulesAs an investor, you have an obligation to know about and understand certain investing rules.
Live pricing for US investmentsYou can get live market information for investments on the main US exchanges.