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Going Live Checklist

While every scenario is unique and may require additional steps to ensure a successful launch, we've compiled a fairly complete checklist.

Serena Edwards avatar
Written by Serena Edwards
Updated over a week ago

Merchant Account

  • Has your merchant account been approved? Enrollsy receives credentials from the underwriting team when the account is approved. Contact Enrollsy via the chat bubble within the Enrollsy admin platform if you are unsure of your application status.

  • If you are set up to accept credit card payments, be sure to see "About EnrollsyPay PCI Compliance" to learn more about PCI compliance and why it's important that you complete it.


Programs & Classes

  • Have all your Programs been created properly? Double-check by editing each Program and verifying the following settings:

    • Enrollment Model

    • Pricing

      • Payment Plans

    • Enroll Form

    • Advanced

  • Have you created Classes (with capacities)? (see How to Change Class Capacity)

    • If pricing is set on the Class, double-check Pricing and Payment Plans


Customer Instructions

Download your Enrollsy Customer Instructions Template for your customers and fill it out with your company info. This template has all the login links you will need for your Customers to enroll and log into their accounts.


  • To verify the above is done to your satisfaction and that everything is saved correctly and working as intended, you will need to do at least one test enrollment as a customer* (see How to Test Enrollment Form/Links)

    • *Make any changes to Enroll Form fields, Program/Class pricing, or anything else that doesn’t look correct. Remember that you alone are responsible for things working as you want them to.

    • Before you go live, contact us through chat with any bugs you find so we can assist in resolving anything that is not an issue you have control over.

Checked everything off? You’re ready to go!

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