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FAQs Asked by Admin Users

Frequently Asked Questions Company Admins ask answered

Serena Edwards avatar
Written by Serena Edwards
Updated over a week ago

How do I learn Enrollsy's terminology?

  • Since we do allow our clients to change the terminology within Enrollsy, we have to have our own lingo that we refer to (and write support articles on). See "Learn Enrollsy Lingo" to learn the terms we refer to so you know how to search for what you need in our Support Center!

How do I reset multi-authentication?

  • Go to the Admins Tab. Edit the Admin you want to reset. In the drawer on the right, click "Authentication," then click the reset Multi-Factor Authentication refresh icon.

How do I add new Admins?

  • Remember that you have a limited number of users based on your selected plan package. You can always upgrade to more users for a monthly charge. If you are on the Pro Plan, you can add up to three additional Admins for $30/month per user. To create a new Admin profile, follow these steps:

    • Go to My Company > Users Tab > Admins

    • Click the Plus button

    • A name and email address are required

    • Put Role as "Admin" and click on the cog button and then the pencil icon to check permissions

How do I add new Instructors?

  • Go to My Company > Users Tab > Instructors

  • Click the plus button. A name is required

  • Enter roles with permissions (you can add more roles by clicking the plus button)

How do I view my bill from Enrollsy?

What do I do when an ACH payment is rejected?

How do I do refunds?

How do I add a Charge to an Account?

How do I charge someone's card (make a payment) on an Account?

  • When you post a "payment," you are collecting and/or recording some kind of payment that will either be taken out of the customer's account or already made to you. See How to pay an Invoice for instructions.

How do I add or edit a Payment Plan?

  • Payment plans are payment events that happen on a given date/time.

  • Enrollsy allows for three types of Payment Plans created inside an Enrollment Period:

  • To edit an existing Payment Plan inside an Enrollment Period, click here.

  • To add, remove, or edit an Individual Account's Payment Plan, click here.

How do I move an Enrollee to another Program or Class?

  • If you need to REASSIGN an Enrollee (meaning you don't need to keep the current enrollment), then you can easily do this on the Classes page. See this article for detailed instructions. NOTE: If an Admin user reassigns an Enrollee this way, any Payment Plans or Invoices on the current enrollment will be lost!

  • If you need to KEEP the current enrollment while moving the Enrollee to another Program or Class, see this support article for details.

How do I create an Activity?

  • Go to My Company > Activities Tab. Select Enrollee, Instructor, or Class, depending on whom you want to create the activity for, and click the plus button. Name your activity, then choose the icon and color. For more detailed instructions, see How to create custom Activities.

What is the difference between Required Documents and E-signature Documents?

  • Required Documents are Documents that you require of at least ONE Customer and need to be filled out and/or uploaded by the Customer. Learn more about Required Documents here.

  • E-signature Documents are Documents provided by you and saved as a PDF. They are then uploaded to Enrollsy and mapped with the fields on your customized Enroll Form. They are then emailed to your customers to e-sign. Learn more here.

What is the difference between Activity Forms and Program Forms?

  • Activity Forms are customized Forms attached to an Activity that Customers can fill out on the Customer App. You can add fields just like the Enroll Form Activities with attached Activity Forms are viewable from an Enrollee's page. See How to Create an Activity Form for more info.

  • Program Forms are just like the Enroll Form and are added on the Enroll Form page under "Program Selection." What makes them different is that they are attached to specific Programs and only show up when those Programs are selected at enrollment. Click here to learn how to create and add a Program Form. Program Forms can be required at one of three different levels: Primary Account Holder, Enrollee, or Enrollment.

How do I send E-signature Documents?

How do I know when a Document is signed/completed?

How do I create a private Enrollment link?

How do I send and view text messages?

  • Unread messages show up as a red number on the icon in the right corner. Read messages can be accessed in these ways:

    • In a person’s account, under the Billing or Account tabs by clicking on the bubble at the top right

    • Under Enrollees, check the boxes beside the recipients, then click on the SMS icon

    • In the Notification Center under SMS. Click here to set up your own Admin Notification Center.

  • For more details, see How to send and view Text Messages.

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