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DEI Reporting
DEI Reporting

Using and interpreting the results of your Audit.

14 articles
When can I see my insights?We hope you are excited to learn about the data and insights from your audit. Understand when & how to access them here.
How do I view reports from previous time periods?Need to access your reports from a previous audit? Here's how to do just that.
How do I set priorities?Learn more about the prioritisation exercise in this article.
Why should I prioritise Equality?This article helps navigate the impact of different areas within Equality.
Why should I prioritise Diversity?This article helps navigate the impact of different areas within Diversity.
Why should I prioritise Inclusion?This article helps navigate the impact of different areas within Inclusion.
What are the 5 key areas of inclusion?This article explains our 5 key areas within inclusion - psychological safety, openness, belonging, voice and fairness.