19 articles
What is Stint Teams?
What is a Trial Stint?
What is a Trial Stinter?
What happens after a Stinter completes two Trial Stints?
What am I looking for when a Stinter works a Trial Stint?
Why do Stinters need to complete Trial Stints?
How do I view Stinters in a Team?
How do I view my Trial Stinters?
What is a Substitute Stinter?
Why have I got a Substitute Stinter?
Why do I need to rate Substitute Stinters and not my Team Stinters?
How many tasks can I set per role?
Can I edit tasks in a role?
How do I pass a Stinter at a task?
Why do I need to pass Stinters at tasks in the app?
A Stinter hasn’t passed a task and still needs improvement, what do I do?
Do Stinters need to pass their tasks in a set order?
What happens when a Stinter passes all their tasks?
A Stinter is on their first Stint in my Team, what do I do?