Create an Event

Customize Essential Event Settings

Ashley Owens avatar
Written by Ashley Owens
Updated over a week ago


  • Feature Summary: System users can create an event and configure important settings such as schedules, fees, and registrant limits.

  • Use Cases: Running a successful event (e.g. clinic, camp, etc.) requires careful attention to detail during planning and implementation. The Event tool helps admins track every detail and seamlessly make adjustments when needed.

If your club produces a large number of events, system users can save time by creating Event Defaults. Quickly apply common default settings to each new event, thereby avoiding the need to repeat steps and avoid errors. Click to learn more about Event Defaults.


Make sure the Event Categories page has an option that matches the planned event. If not, the system user can create a new category.

To create an event and require registrants to pay upfront, system users must enable online payments on the system. Click here to learn more.

To collect taxes for an event, system users must set up a tax rate under Billing Settings > Taxes. Setting up a revenue category is also recommended. Click here to learn more about event taxes and revenue categories.


  1. Log in to the admin dashboard.

  2. Click EVENTS on the side menu.

  3. Click CREATE EVENT. A new page displays.

Adding details

  1. Enter a unique name for the event.

  2. Click the Category field and select an option (or create an event category).

  3. Add a tag or create a new one. (optional)

4. Enter the maximum number of registrants.

Once the maximum number of registrants has been reached, CourtReserve hides the signup buttons and creates the option to join the waitlist (if enabled). Click here to learn more about waitlists.

Setting dates and times

  • Override Hours of Operation - Check the box if the event starts or finishes outside normal business hours (e.g. 9 am to 9 am). The default setting is not checked.

  • Event Date - Use the calendar to select a date.

  • Start Time / End Time - Click the clock icons to set the start and finish times.


Click the field and select an option (e.g. daily, weekly, monthly, custom). The default setting is None.

If the system user selects an option other than None, CourtReserve displays new fields to configure recurrence rules. Click here to learn more about configuring a recurring event.

Require minimum registration

Optionally, check the Require Minimum Participation for this Clinic to Occur box to require a minimum number of event registrants. If the minimum is not met by a certain date, CourtReserve auto-cancels the event. If an event is auto-cancelled, the results are normally visible up to 15 minutes after the cancellation.

  • Minimum Participation - Click the field and set the minimum. This number cannot be greater than the maximum number of registrants for the event.

  • Automatic Clinic Cancellation Time Before Start - Set the deadline to achieve the minimum number of registrants. The deadline is relative to the event's start date (i.e. hours, days or weeks).

Cancellation rules

System users can enable this feature for drop-in (allow registration for single dates) or full registration (allow registration for all dates) events. It is not possible to enable the auto-cancel feature for events that accept both drop-in and full registration. (hybrid model)

  • Drop-In Auto Cancellation - CourtReserve applies the minimum registration to each event date. If registration conditions (see above) for a single date are not met, CourtReserve cancels that date, but not the event.

  • Full-Event Auto Cancellation: CourtReserve applies the minimum registration to the first date of an event. If registration conditions (see above) are not met, CourtReserve cancels the event. This condition cannot be applied to events with dates in the past.

How do player cancellations affect the auto-cancellation feature?

For example, there is an event with a minimum number of 8 registrants. Two days after the cancellation date passes, a registered player drops out, which means the total number of registrants falls below the minimum. CourtReserve does not auto-cancel the event but records the milestone in the event's Audit Log. The event should be cancelled manually by an admin.

Member portal display

When a system user enables the auto-cancel feature, CourtReserve displays a note on the Event Details page. The note describes the minimum number of registrants and cancellation date.


Admins - CourtReserve sends the admin an email when an event has a low number and may be canceled.

  • To update the setting that controls when a notification is sent, go to SETTINGS > ORGANIZATION SETTINGS > General. Scroll to the bottom of the page and locate the heading Notify Admin X Hours Before Clinic is Cancelled for Low Numbers.

Admin/players - CourtReserve sends the admins and players a cancellation email if the minimum registration number is not met by the deadline.

  • To update the setting that controls which admins receive the notification, open an event and click the Additional Setup tab. Click the What System Users Receive Notifications for this Event field and select an option.

Allow Waitlist

Check to box to enable a waitlist. The default setting is disabled. If enabled, CourtReserve displays an optional Auto Register From Waitlist check box, which in turn opens several configuration options.

  • Click here to learn about waitlist options and settings.


System users can add instructors to the event and optionally display those names on the member portal. The default setting is to make the names visible. Uncheck the box to hide instructor names.

  • Click here to learn how to add instructors to the system.

If CourtReserve finds a scheduling conflict with the event, the platform displays a warning icon.

  • Coordinators - Click the field to add one or more coordinators by default to any new event. Coordinators are sub-admins with permission to manage events on the platform. Click here to learn more about coordinators.

Assigning courts and equipment

Use these fields to specify the facilities needed for the event and the required equipment, if any.

  1. Click the field and select an option.

  2. Use the Select All and Deselect All buttons to fill or clear a field. (optional)


These optional fields give registrants information about the event.

  1. Add a deadline to withdraw from the event.

  2. Add an event note. Click here to learn about notes.

  3. Click the field and select one or more custom fields. (optional)

Use custom fields to collect additional information about event registrants (e.g. T-shirt size). Click here to learn about custom fields.

Advanced Settings

Configure advanced settings in the multi-tab table at the bottom of the page. Click a link to open a new article.


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