Is one of the following NOT showing up on your Enroll Form?
Enrollment Periods
Classes within Programs
Pay-in-Full and/or Payment Plans
If the answer is "Yes," here are some troubleshooting tips for resolving this issue.
No Location(s)
If no Locations are showing up on the Enroll Form, you will see a message like this:
This means your Location(s) are not published. Locations are unpublished by default. At least one Location will need to be published before anyone can enroll.
To publish a Location, follow these steps:
Go to your Location (upper-right corner of the app)
Click on the cog icon, then the eye icon.
If the eye is crossed out, it means the Location is unpublished. If the eye is NOT crossed out, the Location is published.
No Enrollment Period(s)
If no Enrollment Periods are showing up on the Enroll Form, you will see a message like this:
The reasons no Enrollment Periods are showing up could be the following:
No Enrollment Periods have been published. By default, newly created or duplicated Enrollment Periods are unpublished. When you are ready for them to be used (show up on the Enroll Form), could you publish them?
Here's how to publish an Enrollment Period: Click the cog icon beside the Enrollment period, then the "eye" icon to publish an enrollment period. When the eye is crossed out, the Enrollment Period is unpublished.
The Enrollment Period may be archived. Archiving does the following to an Enrollment Period:
Removes it from the Enroll Form
Removes it from the Customer Portal
Removes it from the Instructor Portal
Cancels any future Class reminders for enrollments in this Enrollment Period
Cancels any future Auto-Billing events in this Enrollment Period
Historical context of enrollments in this Enrollment Period is preserved
See this support article for more on archiving Enrollment Periods.
No Programs
If no Programs are showing up on the Enroll Form, there may be several reasons:
You may be in the wrong Enrollment Period, or the Enrollment Period has not been published. Learn how to publish an Enrollment Period here.
No Programs have been created yet for the Enrollment Period(s). Create a new Program here.
No Classes have been created in the Program. Create a new Class or duplicate a Class.
You may need to adjust your Programs to include all the correct Locations. If you have multiple Locations and Programs are not visible for specific Locations, learn how to add Programs to multiple Locations here.
No Capacity has been added to the Class (es) in the Program. See this article to add Class Capacities.
Capacities equal Enrollees or set to "0." If you have zero capacity, the Class will not show up on the Enroll Form. The same if your capacity equals the number of current Enrollees in the Class. NOTE: A Program's capacity is equal to the Class(es) 's total capacity.
Changes were not saved. Many pages in Enrollsy support auto-saving. But, there are a few pages where changes you make need to be deliberately saved.
All Programs are private. Customers MUST use the private link to enroll in private Programs. They CAN NOT enroll in the Customer portal when enrolling in private Programs. You can find out more here.
The Program Options for a private AND public Program are the same. By "Program Options," we mean the options you give like "Program Name," "Schedule," "Days," etc. If any of your private AND public Programs have the SAME options (especially the same name), only one will appear on the Enroll Form. NOTE: Nicknames are not seen by customers, so they can be the same.
You may have the Enrollment ends on date set in the past. Find out more about the “Enrollment ends on” date.
The dates the Program runs are in the past. Change these by clicking the pencil icon beside the Program and scrolling down to Enrollment Model (these dates show up only for Simple and Days per Week Enrollment Models).
No Classes
If no Classes are showing up on the Enroll Form, here are the possible reasons:
You may be in the wrong Enrollment Period, or the Enrollment Period has not been published. Learn how to publish an Enrollment Period here.
No Classes have been created yet. Create a new Class or duplicate a Class.
No Capacity has been added to the Class (es) in the Program. See this article to add Class Capacities.
Capacities equal Enrollees or set to "0." If you have zero capacity, the Class will not show up on the Enroll Form. The same if your capacity equals the number of current Enrollees in the Class. NOTE: A Program's capacity is equal to the Class(es) 's total capacity.
Credit category not entered on the Class(es). If the Program is set up on credits, be sure to enter the credit category on each of the Classes in that Program.
Changes were not saved. Many pages in Enrollsy support auto-saving. But, there are a few pages where changes you make need to be deliberately saved.
The Program the Class is in is private. Customers MUST use the private link to enroll in private Programs. They CAN NOT enroll in the Customer portal when enrolling in private Programs. You can find out more here.
The Program Options for a private AND public Program are the same. By "Program Options," we mean the options you give like "Program Name," "Schedule," "Days," etc. If any of your private AND public Programs have the SAME options (especially the same name), only one will appear on the Enroll Form. NOTE: Nicknames are not seen by customers, so they can be the same.
You may have the Enrollment ends on date set in the past. Find out more about the “Enrollment ends on” date.
The dates the Class runs are in the past. Change these by clicking the pencil icon beside the Class's down arrow. Scroll to "When does Class happen?"
No dates set on the Class. You have selected "Set days/dates when this Class occurs," but no dates are set.
No Pay-in-Full or Payment Plans
If either your Pay-in-Full pricing or one or more Payment Plans are not showing up, it's probably because they are not published. Both Pay-in-Full and Payment Plans are published by default.
If you don't want one or both to show on the Enroll Form, unpublish them by clicking the "eye" icon. When the eye is crossed out, it is unpublished.
Other issues that can make the Pay-in-Full and/or Payment Plans not show up at enrollment include the following:
Pricing/Program Cost (Fixed Cost or Subscription) is not chosen. (All Programs default to "Free" until changed). See this support article for instructions on how to set up pricing.
Charge Items and/or dollar amounts not entered.
Charge Item settings are wrong:
Charge Item is set to "Optional" instead of "Required" at enrollment.
Charge Item setting "Hide on paid-in-full" is on.
Charge Item is not enabled for Payment Plans and/or due at enrollment.
Learn how to change these settings in this support article.
Pricing is set to be on the Class level, and no pricing has been added. Learn how to set pricing here.
No Membership(s)
If you are using Enrollsy's Membership feature and Memberships are not showing up, it is probably because they are not published. All newly created Memberships are unpublished by default.
To publish a Membership, hover over the right side of the Membership block, then click on the "eye" icon. When the eye is crossed out, the Membership is unpublished.