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Routing & Technician Tracking
Account is not yet active, please wait for activationEmail address is being used from another inactive account
Auto Routing - how to useAnalyze, compare, contrast and evaluate before proceeding
Deactivate a User/RouteThe process of removing a tech and moving work to another
Changing route name - changes the route's historyIt's best to deactivate the former tech and create a new one
Find average service calltime for a techSee Completed Work Order Details report
Issues to consider when looking at a (slow) tech on the Calendar mapSparse cell towers, new housing developments, phone is off...
Morning tech email - how to keep the pricing off of itSet "Hide pricing information on work order [X]" in the Work Orders
Notes - that techs can't seeCreate a sticky note in the customer's billing information page
Notifications - aren't getting to tech in the fieldMust have tech's phone number in Users & Routes
Passwords - how to changeUsers need a password to enter Fieldwork
Route - how to assign when tech is unknownI don't know which tech will be doing the assignment
Technician - remove from FieldworkIt's better to deactivate than delete
Technicians - where are they?View their location in the Calendar map
Tech's location and Time - viewing it after the factSee the tech's location at the time the Work Order was completed on the mobile app
User Password - field is blankWhen you go back into that user's account