All Collections

Icons, Ouch!, Moose, Fugue, Line Awesome
How and where can I use your icons?
Can I use an icon for my logo?
Can I use your icons/illustrations in templates?
Can I use your icons and illustrations for printing (books, greeting cards, T-shirts, etc.)?
What icon formats do you have?
Do you have SF symbols? How can I download them?
How can I use your icons in the SF Symbols and iOS styles?
Do you have animated icons?
Do you have animated icons in SVG?
Do you have animated GIF icons with a transparent background?
Does a paid subscription include access to animated icons?
What is the maximum icon size in pixels?
How can I find an icon?
I can't find an icon/illustration I need
How can I download an icon?
If I download the same icon in multiple formats/sizes, would that count as multiple downloads?
Where can I find the icons I've downloaded?
Where can I check how many downloads I have?
Can I download a pack of icons/illustrations at once?
How to work with icon collections?
Where can I find my collections?
Can I recolor an icon?
Can I edit an icon on your website?
Can I add edited icons to my collection?
How do I add an icon to my HTML code?
I added an animated icon to my website, but it's not working
How to use our icons in Notion and WordPress
How to change desktop icons (Windows)
Can I use your music for free?
Can I use your music in a podcast? In a YouTube video? As a user in an editor?
Can I use your music in online paid ads (targeted ads)?
I can't find the song I need
What are Content ID and PRO tags?
Can I use a track with Content ID on YouTube?
I have received a Content ID claim. What should I do?
A Content ID dispute wasn't resolved in my favor
What is the difference between a Content ID claim and a Copyright Takedown on YouTube?
Universal Multimedia License
Agreement for Icons8
Privacy Policy
Icons8 API License
Lunacy Privacy Statement
Lunacy Acceptable Use Policy
Line Awesome License
Fair Use and Distribution of Third-Party Intellectual Property
Free Licenses to Open-Source Projects
Can I use your graphics in a project I make for my client?
Can I use your design assets in print products?
How to use the Icons8 freebie