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An Overview of your Admin Dashboard
An Overview of your Admin Dashboard

Not sure what each area of your admin dashboard is for? Save this article to come back to for reference!

Hannah Harris avatar
Written by Hannah Harris
Updated over 3 months ago

This article is going to walk you through a basic description of what each section of your admin dashboard is for. We'll provide links to more detailed descriptions of each feature if you'd like to learn more, so consider this article your general tour of the platform!


In this section, you can view your account analytics including Sales and Engagement Metrics, as well as see a record of all Quiz Answers and Comments from your products and posts.


Here is where you can create and edit your products, offers, pages, posts, communities and links.


You can view a list of all the people who have signed up for an account with you, add and remove members, see a record of which members have consented to receive emails from you, add additional admins to your MV account, and manage any actions you've set up for your members.


If you'd like your members to promote your products to their audiences, here is where you'll turn on the affiliate settings for your products and offers, as well as see a record of your members' successful affiliate conversions and sales.


In this section, you can customize the look of your account including colors, logo, fonts, terminology etc. You can create your welcome area, which appears on your marketplace page, create an announcement bar, set up a navigation menu and a footer menu, and preview your MV site.


Your settings menu allows you to further customize your account and is best for updating account-wide preferences like time zone, product terminology, social sharing, and any custom code you wish to apply to your full account.

You can also customize your blog settings here if you are using our Posts feature, manage and set up a custom domain for your MV site, and create product categories to organize your marketplace page.


This section is where you'll connect and manage your email service tool, Stripe and PayPal connections, as well as any advanced email automations (i.e. webhooks) or direct integrations with Circle, Hello Audio and our native Webhook API tool.


Have a question or feedback for our team? In this section, you can request a feature, search our help article documentation, or pop into our Facebook group for support.

You can also see further information regarding GDPR and legal compliance in your account, or send in a request to cancel your account subscription.

To send a support ticket into our team, click on the chat widget at the bottom right of your screen:

Admin Menu

This is where you can access your Profile settings for your admin account, view your account plan (as well as other available account plans). You'll also see you can access our Help and Logout pages from this menu.


You can logout of your account at the bottom of the left side menu or from your admin menu in MV. By default, we keep you logged into your account for 30 days so if you're working on a private device, you don't necessarily need this feature and can stay logged in to skip a step the next time you're working on your MV site.

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Questions? Reach out to us at, within our Facebook group, The MV Collaborative, or via chat support within your admin account (not sure how to log in? look up your account here).

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